Chapter 3

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*A couple days after Meg, Tyler, and Kristofer met.*

"I can't believe I went to a kink friendly bar and actually met someone." I explained to my best friend, Sam. She nodded as she listened to my crazy night. "I was leaving the bar completely embarrassed by being there when suddenly I hear a bark." 

"A bark? Who barked at you?" Sam asked completely confused.  

"It was Amp. I saw him and completely fell in love with him, his dreamy eyes, his smile, and his beautiful ass." I continue telling Sam all about my night with questions here and there from her but soon finish.

"He sounds amazing, Meg, but isn't he gay?" 

"I think so. Why did I have to fall in love with a gay man? I swear the universe is working against me sometimes." I complain as I get up to grab some water. "Do you want anything to drink?"

"I'll take some water please."

I come back with two glasses of water and sit down on the couch, "After meeting Amp and learning about puppy play I think I might be into it."

"You want to act like a dog?" Sam asked looking at me confused.

"No, I want to own/take care of a puppy. Amp was super cute in his gear and so were a lot of other puppies at the bar. Who wouldn't want a loyal, adorable, always-excited-to-see-you puppy who would never stop being a puppy? I've always wanted a puppy but never have gotten one because of school and work, but now I could totally have one and not worry about potty training, throw up, shedding, taking it out every few hours, OH! and never having to worry about wet dog smell!" I say getting even more excited.

"Okay, I get the appeal, but where are you going to find a puppy since Amp already has an owner?" Sam asked, always being the one to point out the complicated stuff.

"I don't know. I really wish I could have Amp as my puppy. I seems like the perfect pup. Gosh! Why does life have to be so hard? All I want is to find a guy who doesn't do drugs or smoke and isn't a tool! Is that too much to ask for?" I complain.

"Meg, chill out. You'll find a guy soon enough; you're only 18 and have your whole life ahead of you. Besides, you don't want to pull Amp away from what he has with Kristofer, do you?"

"No, I don't. I just want to find a puppy who is somewhat like Amp I guess." Sam always knows what to say to calm me down from my outrageous rants. "I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed, I'll see you in the morning." I say as I stand up and head to bed.

Sam and I share an apartment so I know for I fact that I won't be done listening to her lecture me about being 18 and having a life ahead of me and blah blah blah blah. 

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