Chapter 7

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"So...what do you think of Amp?" Kristofer asked after a few minutes of silence.

"He is super cute!" Meg smiled as she continued to pet Amp. Amp barked and wagged his tail in agreement. 

"Yes, he is. I think he is really happy to play with you." Meg smiled. "But...he knows better than to be on furniture without permission." Kristofer scolded lightly. Amp let out a small whine as he climbed off of the bed looking ashamed.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know. But...speaking of rules I think I'm going to need a list of all the rules you have for Amp so I know what to do and not to do."  

Amp rubbed up against Meg's leg trying to get her attention. "That's the thing; you and Tyler have to come up with rules that work for you two. The rules I have for Amp you may disagree with or find that they don't pertain to your relationship."

"Oh, that makes sense. But I don't know what type of rules to give him. I've never done this before. Where do I start?" Meg was getting very anxious while talking which caused Amp to get worried. Amp started to whine and try to get Meg to pay attention to him and not the rules. "Hang on, Amp, I'm trying to talk to Kristofer."

"He could tell you were getting upset and worried. He's trying to comfort you, that's what puppies do." Amp barked and wagged in agreement. "See, he's just trying to make you happy. Rules are just guidelines as to how you want your relationship to work. Communication is key; talk with Tyler and figure out what both of you want from the relationship."

"Okay, I can do that. Just talk... tell him what I want, and listen to what he wants."

After the talk, Kristofer said he had to leave and run errands but said Meg and Amp could stay at his house and bond. While he was gone Meg and Amp played in the backyard and played inside with some of Amp's favorite chew toys. Once Amp was tired out from playing, Meg turned on the TV and sat down on the couch. "I know you need permission to be on furniture so I'm giving it to you. Come up here, Amp!"

Amp jumped right up next to Meg and snuggled into her side. "Arf! Arf!" 

"Aww! You're such a cutie!" Meg smiled as Amp rested his head on her lap. While watching TV, Meg unconsciously started to pet Amp's head but then moved down to his side/back and then back up to his head. 

Soon the two of them fell asleep on the couch - exhausted from playing all afternoon. When Kristofer came home he found them on the couch fast asleep, but once he walked into the room Amp woke up. "Hello, Sir, how were your errands?"

"They were good, pup. Would you like to go change into your other clothes?" Kristofer offered.

"Yes, I would, Sir." Amp - now Tyler- said while getting up to go take all his gear off. 

Once he was done changing Tyler came out and sat at the kitchen table across from Kristofer. "How was your afternoon? Did you like playing with her and spending some alone time with her?" Kristofer asked once Tyler was comfortable.

"Yes, I did. She is very nice and fun to play with. And she let me on the couch to snuggle with her too!" Tyler said excitedly.

"Hey, I let you on the couch too." 

"Yes, Sir, I know. I think this relationship is going to work out great; we just need to figure out what we both want and go from there."

"That's great, pup! I can't wait to see you grow even more from this experience."

Kristofer and Tyler talked for a couple more minutes before Meg woke up and joined them. She looked at the time and realized she had a dinner date with a friend and had to leave, but she did promise to meet with Tyler later that week to discuss what happened and what they want in the relationship. 

Tyler hugged her goodbye and gave her a kiss on the cheek before letting out a happy yip.

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