Chapter 2

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*A couple days after Meg, Kristofer, and Amp met.*

*Tyler's POV*

I woke up snuggled against Daddy wearing nothing but a jockstrap. I wanted to talk to him about Meg but I didn't want him to feel jealous or that I was going to leave him, so I decided to make his favorite breakfast and then bring it up. I crawled out of bed as quietly as possible and tip toed to the kitchen. 

Once in the kitchen I searched around for the waffle iron and waffle mix. I found the iron at the bottom of a cupboard and the mix at the very top of the pantry. I quickly got to work making the waffles. While the waffles were cooking I started to cut up strawberries and wash blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries because I know how much Daddy loves them on his waffles. 

I also made sure the butter was out of the fridge softening because Daddy hates when his butter is too hard to spread on his waffles. The waffles were now done so I put one on a plate, garnished it with fruit and powder sugar, and put it at the head of the table. I put the butter on the table along with the syrup I warmed up for Daddy, and I made a fresh cup of coffee just the way he likes it. 

I was about to go wake Daddy when he came into kitchen oh so quietly and snuck up behind me and grabbed my butt, which caused me to jump. "Good morning, Daddy, how did you sleep?" I asked as I led him to his spot at the table and pulled the chair out for him.

"I slept well, thank you, Pup." Daddy said with a weird look on his face. "Oh, you made my favorite, waffles! Thanks, Pup."

I smiled, "Anything for the best daddy in the world! I made sure the butter was nice and soft for you and I warmed up the syrup too, just the way you like it!" I felt proud of the breakfast I made for him.

"I see that, Pup, you did a very good job." He leaned over to me and gave me scritches behind me ear.


We started eating and talking about our plans for the day and whatnot. When Kristofer was done I gladly took his plate for him and started cleaning up the rest of the kitchen. "Hey, Pup?"

"Yes, Sir." I reply turning to him giving him my full attention. 

"We need to talk." He said with a concerned look on his face.

"Oh, did I do something wrong, Sir? I didn't mean to, please forgive me." I fell to me hands and knees and crawled over to him and rubbed my back/side against his leg, kinda like how a cat does it to their owner. 

Kristofer leaned down and started to pet me, "You have done nothing wrong, I just want to talk to you, okay?"

"Yes, Sir. Where would you like to talk, Sir?"

"Why don't we talk on the bed, it's more comfortable." Kristofer said walking towards the bedroom. I followed on my knees, wondering what he wanted to talk about. 

Once we were both comfortable in the bed, him laying down somewhat with his upper torso propped up with pillows, and me laying next to him curled into his body, he started to talk, "Amp, what do you want?"

"What do you mean, Sir?" I asked confused.

"You obviously want something since you made my favorite breakfast for no reason. Don't play games with me, if you want something just ask." Kristofer scolded.

"I-I-I want to talk." I mumbled. 

"What? You need to speak up, Pup."

"I want to talk to you." I said a bit louder. Kristofer looked shocked. 

"Why do you need to make a special breakfast for me if you just want to talk to me? Is there something wrong?" Now he was worried about what I wanted to talk about.

"I don't want you to be mad or think I want to leave you." I looked down into his body trying to hide my face. 

"Why would I think that, bud? Are you going to leave me?" Kristofer asked worried. 

"No! Never, Daddy. It's just that...I want to start seeing Meg."

"Why would that make me mad or jealous? Let alone think you were going to leave me? We've talked about this. It's okay for you to see other people and it's okay for me to see other people. Although I do have one question."

"What's that, Daddy?"

"Well, I thought you were gay. Why do you want to start seeing a female? Or did something change?"

"I don't know, Sir. I am gay. I don't know why I want to see her but I really do. I have never felt these feelings for a woman before. I'm confused too, but I know that I like her a lot and want to be with her." I said with a hint of fear in my voice. 

"What's wrong, Pup?" Kristofer asked hearing the fear.

"What if she doesn't like me? What if she thinks I'm gay because I'm with you, but I am gay, just not towards her. What if she doesn't want to be together? What if I make a fool of myself and she laughs and never talks to me again? What if--" I ramble off all these questions worried about the answers.

"Stop. Pup, you haven't even spoken to her about any of this. You need to stop worrying about the negative what ifs and focus on the positive side of things like: what if she likes you too? What if wants to be with you? Focus on those and not the other ones." Kristofer rubbed my tummy as I calmed down and slowly fell asleep in his arms.

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