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No matter how it was looked at: The situation was nothing but shit. There was no other way to explain it. The situation on Reach was nothing more than a shit storm from the beginning and everything up to this point was just to put everything back together before even commencing the mission to keep the damn planet from the Covenant.

His breathing was heavy as Lieutenant Commander McGrath was running and slid behind cover as he narrowly dodged a fuel rod fly over his head from a grunt with a fuel rod cannon and growled under his breath as his irritation for the little shits were finally beginning to take its toll on his patience. Kneeling up from his cover, he aimed down the sights of his M395 assault rifle and fired a quick burst into the grunt, ripping into its scaled flesh, dropping to the ground dead, along with the cannon it had on its shoulder, and when the cannon smacked onto the ground, it made the cannon fuel rod ammunition to become unstable and it erupted into an explosion, sending shrapnel and debris out in a five foot radius, impaling some of the other grunts and jackals nearby and sent some debris out of the radius just far enough to connect with McGrath's helmet, knocking him and it to the ground. He laid there, dazed and tired. His face covered in sweat and grime, with cuts, scraps and bruising from the hellhole of the half dead planet, and trying to win it back. He continued to lay there, until he was met up with by an individual cladded in a full suit of highly advanced armor with a white and black color scheme that made him look almost inhuman, something unnatural.

The figure brought out his hand and offered it to the downed officer and helped him back to his feet, and in a slightly distorted voice replied, "No time to rest now Sir, the day's just started." He handed McGrath his rifle and helmet that was still on the ground and gives them to him as well before leaving the cover and began to resume pushing the Covenant back with his M739 saw. Every shot he took, it barely fazed him as he continued moving forward. After a minute, he ran dry on the belt for his saw, and instead of reloading, he slung it over his shoulder and onto his back, and pulled out his two M6H magnums and continued his push. He dove into cover to evade several incoming grenades from a brute shot, and shouted from his cover, "SPARTANS, give them hell!"

McGrath watched as two more Spartans sprinted past him and both began firing into the horde of brutes and grunts with the two Needlers that both of them were dual-wielding and an almost endless streak of those pink needles came pouring down the battered road that the fight was on and after a second, everything was beginning to explode, and by the time the carnage was all over, all of the grunts were dead, and most of the Brutes were either dead, or severely injured to the point where they couldn't stand and get away and regroup with the others. McGrath approached them at even though they were severely injured, it still took half a fucking clip each to kill the last two that were still alive and somewhat conscious. He looked back at the three Spartans and asked out of curiosity because he never saw them when he first landed on the planet, and he was never told about there being any Spartans on the planet surface either, "Just where the hell did the three of you come from and why are you even here?"

The Spartan in the white and black armor was the one to reply, "With all due respect sir.....we were sent here to support you and your troops in order to fix this shit and to prevent it from being more fucked up then it already is. Now, if you have any more questions, then wait until after the presentation is over."

Before anything else was said and done, they were all interrupted when they watched as a Scarab was dropped down from the lower atmosphere of the planet.

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