Chapter One

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The life of Sigtien Smith was one filled with loneness and isolation. At a young age of five when he lived on one of the planets on the outer rim of UNSC's protection when they were attacked by the Covenant in the year and he lost both of his parents in the attack and barely escaped with his life as he managed to escape onto a Pelican carrier and was taken to the safety on one of the freighters that was in orbit and was preparing to jump into slip space as the planet was glassed by the Covenant Super-carrier. He lived on the Carrier for four months before he was taken in by Colonel James Ackerson and was admitted into the Spartan III program and is brought to the planet Onyx and was trained as one of the first view within the Bravo company, and even then was all on his own, not paying attention to the others around him, only focused at what he needed to do and nothing else, never making any friends, if anything he only kept making enemies with the other kids. Once he was trained through Bravo Company, he was sent off to the far side of Onyx, along with a few other Spartans and was put into the Headhunters program, but unlike the others, he was a solo agent for it and was sent on mission after mission and came back alive after each one, compared to some of the others who either died within their assignments or came back on their own and was given a new partner, but that rarely happened. After a while, although still a member of the Head Hunter Program, he would occasionally be sent out with a small group of Marines or whoever and be sent to deal with a group of rebel that were beginning to emerge.

When he was assigned with the team, his first thought of them was that the team was morally compromised when they found out that they were assigned to take out a key member of a rebelling planet, apparently the thought of killing another human and not a Covenant alien wasn't what they agreed to and refused to kill them, however, after everything he had gone through as a Head Hunter, he left the team behind and conducted the mission on his own and killed the member with no hesitation and no mercy, but also killed all the other members as well, even though he was only to kill the Key member and no one else. When he came back, he was given the name "Grim" and he designed his armor to match the name, given his currently black armor the white paint scheme of a skeleton and donned a small hooded cloak and was given solo missions to eliminate rebels that were manifesting on the planets, and each mission deemed to be Top secret. And after about three years of being assigned only assassination missions through either the Headhunters or through rebellions, he was sent to the front lines to defend Reach and was put with Gauntlet team to assist with holding off the Covenant and assist in evacuating civilians out of New Alexandria at the age of 19 after quickly obtaining the rank of Master Sergeant.

After his promotion, he was assigned to the reclaiming of Draco III, where he and two others Spartans were going to be attached to a small unit of Marines being led by a Lieutenant Commander by the name of Anakin McGrath.

And on the other hand...

Anakin McGrath was raised within the military of UNSC, his father was a part of ODST, so he moved all over the place between planet to planet, and from colony to colony. And out of everything, he would most likely tell you that his one true home was inside the UNSC Frigate class warships that carried him and his father everywhere they needed to go for whatever assignment that his father was given. When he became of age, he also joined the UNSC, but didn't follow in his father's footsteps and only became a standard Marine grunt.

After joining the Marines and going through their officers training in 2536, he graduated at the top of his class and was commissioned as First Lieutenant and was assigned to the Charon class frigate Forward unto Dawn, and swiftly moved within the ranks due to his vast knowledge of tactics and weaponry, along with orbital defense that he learned from his father and was quickly promoted to Lieutenant Commander, but was transferred to the planet Reach two days before the fall of Reach.

Let the trial begin.......

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