Chapter Eight

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Though communications, Grim was hearing the transmissions between Noble Six and the others and were on their way to destroy the spire that this operation was set on. Only two miles out from there, Grim knew that he could easily meet up with them and finish this assignment with his fellow Spartans. He went into a dead sprint and managed to meet back up with the warthog he was with earlier and was relieved to see that the driver and gunner were both still alive and putting up one hell of a fight for the Covenant. He dropped from the rock ledge and snapped an Elite's back and began taking headshots on the grunts and Jackals, to make it easier for the warthog to maneuver around.

The Gunner spotted the Master Sergeant and tapped the driver on their helmet, "Hey, he's over there!" HE spun around and continued to give his cover against a couple of Ghosts who just showed up. He obliterated the first and second, but the third one got lucky and took a shot and grazed him, but damaged the turret.

The Driver felt the jerking of the turret exploding and without warning him, flung Grim straight at the Ghost.

Grim was confused for a moment, but when he spun around and crashed into the side of the ghost, putting a dent in the side of it, he knew what the Driver was trying to do, but was still slightly annoyed with his actions, "A little warning next time!" He quickly rolled past the same Ghost and shot the grunt who was driving it in its skull, knocking it out of the seat, and instantly deactivating the Ghost. Not wishing to take the chances of something else getting in the driver seat, he picked up one of the dead grunts plasma grenades and activated it against the Ghosts power coupling and blew up the Ghost. Claiming his spot back in the passenger seat, he first checked on the gunner, "You ok up there? You took a nasty shot earlier."

"I'm fine Master Sergeant, it's only a flesh wound. I'll be fine as long as we find a Doc within the next twelve hours or so."

"That's good to hear." Grim then turned his attention to the driver and moderately smacked him against his helmet, "Next time you plan on flinging me at something, a bit of warning or heads-up would be greatly appreciated."

"I'm sorry, Master Sergeant. I heard the turret blow up and saw you and reacted on instincts. Speaking of which, we're going to need to find a new set of wheels since we lost our turret."

"Well, we're only about two miles out from where Noble team is so we should be able to find a doc and some new wheels with them, but until then we'll have to make due unless we find something along the way." HE said as he reloaded his magnum and DMR from the fight.

With that, the three of them sped off to reunite with Noble team in hopes of being there to see the Spire get blown the fuck up. They followed the route that Grim had in his HUD, but they got there right on time to see as the Frigate class Grafton began its descent and continued readio chatter from Noble team.

"Control? This is Noble One. Be advised, all ground units: Frigate Three-One-Eight heavy is inbound, and MAC rounds have been authorized."

"MAC rounds? In the Atmosphere?"

"One way to get their attention! Hang on to your teeth, people!"

AS the Grafton moves in and punches the Spire down with a single MAC round, somehow even Grim failed to notice what happened next. A purple glow shined from above and punched through the hull of the Grafton and a Supercarrier class ship from the Covenant loomed over the destroyed Spire as the chatter continued to come in from Noble team. Grim could hear their A.I. Auntie Dot say something, but he couldn't hear her clearly.

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