Chapter Nine

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Two days later, Sigtien was escorted to the UNSC frigate Savannah and while there was inserted into a new set of armor and was given his skeletal paint scheme. He stepped off of the platform and began to connect his hood to his armor when he passed a small group of soldiers, who were heading in the opposite direction.

The soldiers looked at him and took a few steps further from him and continued with what they were doing.

So....that's how the UNSC views me then? Nothing more than a grave marker for any who gets too close. Shouldn't blame them: It's not like they're wrong.

He went to the armorer and gave them the slip of his requested weapons and signed them out, carrying away the box of ammunition and the weapons under his arm as he walked away. He didn't know why he was here, and honestly at this point, he was beginning to no longer care. He checked the condition of his gear and began to load his weapons when he was stopped by feeling a hand get placed on his shoulder and for a moment, he thought he saw Katy, but stopped himself before he moved in to hug the person when he found out that it was a female Marine, who for once, didn't seem to be afraid of him or was trying to fight or insult him.

"Are you feeling alright, Master Sergeant? You seem...out of place."

With his helmet still off, and his contacts not in, he gave the marine a small smile, staring at her with his Teal augmented eyes, "Yes Corporal, I'm fine, but thanks for asking. You seem to be the only one on this ship who isn't trying to keep their distance from me."

The Corporal laughed, "Well, this ship tends to give everyone the cold shoulder at first, but once when you save their ass a couple of times, then they'll start to warm up to you."

"Sounds like the voice of experience."

"That it was. I can tell you that when I first got on tis ship, rumors floated around here about me too, but I quickly showed them wrong and that I wasn't who they thought I was, and well....things got better rather quick."

"Unlike you though, my 'Rumors' aren't rumors, they're the truth: I have a bad habit of being the only one to return from operations, and assignments. That's why I do better on my own, which is why I'm confused on why I'm even on this ship with all of you and not being sent somewhere else less.....'Friendly' and populated."

The Corporal patted his shoulder, "Just give it time, I'm sure things will get better, they always do." She left the Spartan alone to ponder on her words and collect his thoughts.

Easier said than done.....

As he stood at the arming bench with most of his gear still sitting on the table when he heard the Captains voice over the PA system as they gave an announcement.

"Everyone aboard the UNSC Savannah, this is Captain Kristof Jen. As you know, our ship is still under heavy repairs from our last encounter with the Covenant, but we're about to assist two member's from Noble team in hijacking a Covenant Corvette and rig it with a bomb that's going to tear the supercarrier that's orbiting Reach in half. With that said, I would like some volunteers to assist Noble team in capturing the Corvette, also I would like our 'special guest' to accompany the volunteers to the bridge."

Sigtien could only sigh, knowing that he was that "special guest". At this point, he begrudgingly finished loading up his equipment and shouldered his SAW as he made his way to the bridge, but could still feel all of the eyes on him. How long as he been given the same disgusted eyes by everyone? How long was he going to keep allowing these eyes to haunt him? He gripped his rifle, trying to keep his bearing, trying to keep himself from snapping, but now that Katy was out of the picture, now that he could no longer have her reassurance to keep him calm, he was losing the battle to keep his anger in check. All it could take at this point was just wrong move by anyone and all hell would break loose. AS he was thinking that in the deepest part of his mind, he cursed himself for allowing it to come to his mind, because as soon as he thought it, he heard and felt as someone spat on him. He immediately stopped moving and turned to his left and saw that everyone was acting like nothing had happened.

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