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"It didn't long for Reach to fall. Our enemy was ruthless. Efficient. But they weren't fast enough. For He had already passed the torch. And because of Him, we found Halo, unlocked its secrets. Shattered our enemies' resolve. Our victory – his victory – was so close...I wish he could have lived to see it." Halsey spoke as she looked out a window, staring off into space. She had been referring to Noble Six when she was referring to "Him". Which was a shock to the Spartan she was talking to. She looked over to her guest and was disgruntled when she couldn't see their face and figure out what it is that they're thinking. She left her spot from the window and approached the individual cladded in black and white, "Are you even listening to me, Spartan?"

"Of course I am...Mother. But I'm curious on why you're telling me this? I was there when all of this went down."

"But what you don't know is what happened while you were out of the field for..." she glanced down at his mechanical arm, "...reasons. That's why I called you in: To simply bring you to speed."

"Then with all due respect...get to the point." The irritation in the Spartans voice was subtle, but still present.

"Very well. While you were under and the war was coming to a close, we had forged an alliance with the Sangheili race, who had been exiled out of the Covenant, which also means that an old 'Friend' is now an ally instead of an enemy."

The whirring of the mechanical joints in the Spartans mechanical arm was apparent as the Spartan formed a fist, "I was really hoping that I killed him that day."

"However, I'm not done. Also since then, Lieutenant Commander....my apologizes, Commander McGrath was recruited for the Spartan IV program and is now a Spartan that the UNSC and ONI can use to their whims now. With that said, neither he nor the other Spartan IV's are as effective as you or the Spartan II's. Their augmentations arte more limited and although they have military training, it's ineffective and not practical for the Spartan program..."

The Spartan was no linger standing at this point, knowing that there was still more to this, and since the Master Chief has been all over the place, almost impossible for the UNSC or ONI to fully keep up with, he had to be the one to be her son and converse with her from time to time.

"Also in regards to McCune...He's been a rather energetic one."

Grim couldn't place a name to the face, and was confused, "McCune?"

"Yes...do you not remember him?"

"Not that I recall. With that said, I had met a lot of people while on that planet. I'm sure I just need to see his face in order for me to remember him. But what about him?"

Before Halsey had a chance to say anything, her office door opened and three ONI and UNSC security personnel stepped into the room and approached Halsey, but stopped when the Spartan that was with her stood up and blocked their path.

One of the ONI personnel spoke, "Spartan 619, step aside. This is official matters that do not concern you." He stared into what he believed to be where the eyes were since there was a skull painted onto the LOCUST helmet that matched the skeletal paint scheme that covered the rest of the armor, "This doesn't concern you. Now move aside."

Halsey stepped in between both of them, "Its ok, Sigtien. I'll deal with this matter myself since I seem to be at the center of this." Once when she gets clear of the massive Spartan, she was handcuffed, "What's the meaning of this?"

"These are for your own good. Your presence is requested for questioning for the Spartan program, Doctor."

Halsey looked back at the Spartan who stood behind her, "You have a job to do that I've been keeping you from...especially with this "Requiem' that Infinity has discovered. And if you do find McCune, even if you don't remember him or even if you don't like him, please keep him out of harm's way. He's very....unique and I find him very amusing when he's in the right mood."

The Spartan said nothing, but pushed the individuals aside and made his way to the Pelicans who were boarding to go down to the Planet's surface. He sat down in his seat, and a very odd sense of déjà vu swept over him and for a moment as he stared at on the loading dock, he could swear he saw a ghost from his past: A ghost wearing white and green EVA armor. He knew that it was nothing though and as the Pelican hatch began to close, the only thing he could hear was the sound of War.


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