Chapter Six

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The sun had finally set and the night now only was lit by the fires that sparkled all over the city. Buildings were toppled or was barely standing by only a few supportive structures and were billowing smoke. Vehicles were flipped and in pieces, while the recently destroyed still lit the streets with their fires. The fires flickering all along the roads illuminated the dead bodies of both the Covenant and the UNSC, but even though it had only been a mere couple of hours, to the survivors, it had felt like years, but for the most part they had managed to push back most of the Covenant ground forces to the outer boundaries of the cities, but could do nothing for the Phantoms and Banshee's that flew by overhead, not until they were able to get some kind of anti-airs out here. As the hours went on, all the remaining forces that was within the city walls of New Alexandria was able to meet up on the main strip of New Alexandria within the market district. Once there, that is where they decided to make a FOB to keep within a safe distance but remain out of the fight.

Battered and bruised, Pops slid into cover and shot a grunt in the head that was on a Ghost and hijacked it and used it to take out the small squad that was heading towards the main strip of New Alexandria. He continued to fight them until he saw a plasma grenade stick the side of the Ghost and jumped off before the Ghost erupted into and explosion.

Through the Ghosts' plume of smoke, Grim walked through the smoke and began to fire at the oncoming units with a machine gun turret he ripped off one of the grounded warthogs down the street. Using his HUD to highlight his targets in the dark, even the ones that were in their active camo, he gunned them down. Once he drained the two hundred remaining rounds within the turret, he threw it at the hunter that had just rounded the corner and knocked it off balance, giving Katy a chance to run up and stick a plasma grenades in between its plating while it was staggered, and blew off its arm that held its shield, making it wide open for a shot from a Spartan laser that McGrath was holding and shot a hole through it, cindering the hole, clotting up the wound.

Buck and his unit of ODST troopers were scattered throughout the city doing what they could to evacuate as many civilians as they could while the others were busy with holding off the Covenant.

Holland suddenly connected into one of Katy's and Grim's channels, since they were the only 5two Spartans out there that he could contact, "This is Colonel Holland, reinforcements are inbound, ETA five minutes, hold out until then."

"Took you long enough Holland. Not like we were throwing rocks at these guys or anything. How many inbound."

"I'm not going to lie, I could only scrounge up scraps, but you're getting your reinforcements."

Grim sighed, "Right now, I'll take anything you can give us--."

"However, in doing so, I'm going to have to pull you and Sergeant Rose out of New Alexandria to assist Noble Team in a large-scale counterattack against the Covenant. We've found one of their bases and we're launching an attack to bring it down before it can cause major damage to us."

Grim was about to start speaking his mind again, but Katy jumped in before he could say anything.

"With all due respect, Sir. Right now, New Alexandria is getting hit pretty badly and they need all the help they can get. Permission to stay behind and help with the defense and evacuation of New Alexandria while Master Sergeant Smith assists with the counter-attack."

"Kat, what are you do--."

"Permission granted. Master Sergeant, once when reinforcements land, you are to report onto the Pelican to assist with the counter-attack."

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