•F I F T E E N•

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Jamie's POV

"Oh no!" Jolting awake I spring up in my bed. It's a little past dawn, the bright golden sunlight sending me into a panic.

"You don't have work." Riley groans into his pillow, pulling me back down.

"I was suppose to open."

"No, your boss gave you the morning off." Riley explains, smoothing my messy red hair. That's right. That's right, I got a promotion with less hours and more pay. Deflating with a heavy sigh I shut my green eyes in an effort to fall back asleep. It doesn't work.

"Just try sleeping in for like an hour. I promise it's the next best thing besides an orgasm." Riley sleepily mumbles, his voice heavy and deep. That doesn't help me fall asleep. Not even a wink. It just makes me conscious of how we, this sudden new guy in my home and I, are this close in my bed.

"Stop that." Riley orders, opening his dark eyes. He would look more annoyed if he wasn't half asleep.

"Stop what?" I ask. Riley lazily prods my shoulders, which are hunched up to my ears.

"Stop stressing. It's like sleeping with a boulder." Riley yawns. Nodding, I try to find a comfortable spot, burying my red head into my pillow. Riley's big hands cup my freckled cheeks, and presses his chapped lips against my forehead. My green eyes flutter shut. Safe, I suddenly feel so safe, as if everything from now on is going to be great.

I inch forward into Riley's bare chest. He never has pajamas, no matter how cold it gets in the middle of the night. I wrap my arms and legs around him, trying to keep him warm with body heat. Riley groans, and just as I think he's going to push me off he rolls on top me, his hands tightening on me. My heart leaps up into my throat, pounding painfully hard against my throat. Every nerve ending in my body is aware of Riley. His body is rough against mine, rough like sandpaper, solidly firm, and powerfully big.

With only a few inches between us our eyes lock, dozens of silent conversations going on in the lack of space. But we say nothing, not a word. Riley rolls off, his back to me, mumbles sorry, and starts snoring.

Looks like he can fall right back to sleep, unlike me.

There goes sleeping in.


"Maybe I should get a second job." I ponder, twisting a bright orange on a citrus press. My hands are cramping around the orange peel, but I carry on, trying to make enough orange juice for two.

"Are you nuts, Jamie?" Riley nearly spits out his cereal. Last time I checked, no, I wasn't. He sits up high on my counter, eating a bowl of sugary artificial flakes since mine are to healthy.

"I suddenly have all this free time on my hands, so I should pick up a second wage." I explain.

"Only people with not enough self esteem go out seeking more shit when they're out in the clear from their old shit." Riley states, waving around his spoon.

"Enjoy yourself while you can, Jamie. Just try. Lie on the couch all day. Or laze around in sweats pants all day. Or take an hour long shower. Before you jump into another responsibility head first, just try and do something for yourself." Riley insists.


"Going out like regular people your age."

"Ugh, I hate the club scene. Or parties. Never did." I groan.

"Why? Booze and music is a good fucking time." Riley insists, a crooked grin spreading at all his fun memories.

"I was raised by my grandmother. If my brother played her records to loud was as crazy as it ever got under her roof." Riley snorts at my words, before his face falls.

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