Chapter 29: Through the Dark (by One Direction)

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This chapter contains sexual content.  I marked the chapter with ***** where the scene starts.


After dinner with the boys, Niall and I head back to the room and decide to take showers and relax for the night. Today has gone from a horrible low with recalling the assault to Niall ignoring me and then to incredible highs playing football and an amazing celebratory kiss. It was our first kiss in front of the guys. I thought it would be weird for me to kiss him in front of them but it felt natural. I guess my relationship with Niall had been moving quickly and they have been by our side from the beginning. They have expressed their concerns, gave us advice, and supported us with our dumb "we are friends with benefits" label. I guess it would feel natural to kiss in front of them. They knew all along that we would give into to our feelings.

As soon as we get to the room, Niall calls dibs on the shower. I don't mind because he smells worse than me after running around for a few hours. A few minutes into his shower, I can hear him singing. I sit outside the bathroom door to hear him better. I have never heard the song before but it fits perfectly with how I have been feeling.

You tell me that you're sad and lost your way
You tell me that your tears are here to stay
But I know you're only hiding
And I just wanna see you

You tell me that you're hurt and you're in pain
And I can see your head is held in shame,
But I just wanna see you smile again
See you smile again

But don't burn out
Even if you scream and shout
It'll come back to you
And I'll be here for you

He sounds so beautiful and he puts so much feeling behind the words that he is singing. I could listen to him forever. When I hear him turn off the shower, I hurry to turn the TV on and try to act natural so that he doesn't know I was listening to him sing. When he comes out of the bathroom, he smiles at me and my heart melts. I feel guilty that I was just spying on him so I quickly head to the bathroom. As the hot water runs down my body, I can't get the image of him singing in the shower out of my head. I wonder what would have happened if I would have joined him. I can only fantasize of the things he would have done to me and I to him.

Once I am done fantasizing about Niall, I hop out of the shower and throw on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. Niall is relaxing on the couch with his guitar and motions for me to come and sit next to him. I join him on the couch sitting with my legs crossed under me. Once I am comfortable, he starts playing, "Something Like Olivia." His voice sounds so beautiful singing the words that John wrote about me. He draws me in with the emotion behind his beautiful blue eyes as he sings to me.

Once he finishes I say, "That was beautiful. You sound absolutely amazing."

He looks over at me blushing and says "Since the night I met you and you told me that John wrote the song about you, I couldn't stop thinking what it would be like to find a girl like the one from the song." He stops to hold my hand and continues on, "Every guy looks for that one girl. The one that you would do anything for, the one he will love forever...the one that I will wake up next to every morning. Today I realized that I have that girl right here in front of me." I just stare at him as tears start to collect in the corner of my eyes. He continues, "I am not going to let you slip away from me. I found you and I don't want to let you go."

I wipe the tears that are now running down my cheeks and let go of his hand. I stand up to walk away from him. My emotions are out of control. He wants me and I want him but I am terrified. He is opening his heart to me but I am letting fear take over my mind. I can't believe he thinks that I am the girl. The one that he wants. The one that he would do anything for.

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