Chapter 22: Midnight Memories (by One Direction)

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Trigger Warning

This chapter contain sexual violence. Please read cautiously. I will add stars (***) to the section that contains the sexual violence so that you are aware of the area in this chapter.


I told Niall that Sophia and I were going to come to the concert around 6pm. I figured that we could get to the stadium just in time for the calm before the storm. They tend to relax and hang out right before they go on stage. I head to Liam and Sophia's room to get ready. We decided to get dressed and wear our outfits for the club to the show. When I get to the room she has Kings of Leon blasting, while she is popping a bottle of champagne. She hands me a glass of champagne, raises her glass and says,

"Here is to the nights that turn into morning, the friends that turn into family, the dreams that turned into reality, and the likes that turned into love"

For the next two hours, we dance around the room singing and laughing. Since Lottie and Lou are at the show getting the boys ready, we are left to make ourselves look hot. Let's hope we can do half as good as they would. When Paddy knocks at the door and tells us that the car is here, we take one last look in the full length mirror. We look pretty good if I do say so myself. Sophia really did a great job with my outfit. I feel sexy and she looks smoking hot, and the gold sparkling mini fits her like a glove.

Sophia says, "One last thing

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Sophia says, "One last thing." She pulls her phone out of her purse and we take a selfie. "We will save this for later and post it on twitter after the boys see us. We don't want to ruin the element of surprise."

Once we are in the car I start to get nervous. I had a great day with Sophia. I haven't seen Niall since this morning and I think spending some time away has helped me sort through some of my feelings.

Sophia catches on that I am nervous and asks, "What's wrong? Is it the outfit? Because if it is, stop worrying you look amazing."

I shake my head, "No. It's Niall. I am scared that I am going to hurt him."

"He is a big boy and you have been open with him about your feelings. He knows what he is getting himself into. It's time to stop stressing over your feelings for Niall. Let's see where the night takes us."

God I love this girl. She tells it like it is. She has nothing to lose with being honest with me. Close friends and family will always be biased and tell you what you want to hear. She is an outsider just giving me everyday advice. One thing that keeps popping up in my head is the advice Louis and Harry have given me as well. Harry thinks I should keep space between me and Niall and Louis thinks I need to be up front with my feelings. I love that they care about him and don't want him to get hurt but I need to just follow my heart and trust that me and Niall can figure it all out.

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