Chapter 21 We're Going To Be Friends (by The White Stripes)

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I hear Niall's alarm go off.  He rolls over to cuddle with me and I pull the blankets over my head. 

"Niall, I'm tired.  I need sleep." 

He gets up out of bed and heads for the shower.  I don't know how I am going to put distance between us without him catching on that something is up.  I haven't dated or even talked to a guy since Vinnie and I broke up.  Niall is the first person to walk into my life since then that has made me laugh and have a good time again.  I feel like he revived my heart.  I am afraid to let myself fully open my heart to him and we have only known each other for 10 days.  What if we are both just got caught up in the moment?  Plus he's in the #1 boy band in the world and that doesn't allow him much time to get to know me and work on building a future together.  It sounds like he is taking the leap into the unknown from what Harry has told me and I am running from him so that he doesn't get to my heart.

I hear him turn off the shower so I close my eyes and pretend I'm sleeping.  Right now my tactic is going to be to avoid him as best as I can. 

He comes out of the bathroom and asks, "Are you going to come down to the stadium with me?" 

In my best sleepy voice I tell him, "I am not feeling well and want to sleep in.  I will catch up with you later today."

He smiles, tucks me into the covers, and says, "Rest up."

He leans down and kisses my forehead.  He quietly closes the door and heads out for the day.

My heart stops.  Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.  Why is he so sweet?  He just keeps climbing his way into my heart making it harder for me to block him out.

After sleeping for a few more hours, I shower and decide to head out to find something to eat.  When I leave the room I see Sophia leaving her's at the same time.

"Hey Sophia!  Where are you headed?" 

"I am heading out to do some shopping.  Would you like to join me?"

"Sure it sounds like it could be a good distraction."

Just as we head out Liam's bodyguard Paddy joins us on our adventure. We get out of the hotel without anybody noticing.  Not that we are important people but the guys we are linked to have millions of fans.  Sophia tells me she is looking for an outfit for tonight because they are going to be heading to a club after the show.  She invites me along to the club and I accept.  Maybe doing something different with the boys will help me relax a little. 

We head to this cute boutique and start trying on tons of outfits.  I dress a lot more causal than Sophia so I have her help me pick out something a little sexier than I am use to.  It was like a montage in a movie where the girls come out in all these crazy outfits except I look horrible in everything and she looks amazing.  I can't find anything I feel comfortable in that is not super tight, short, or glittery.  Currently I have on a tan colored body con dress that is skin tight and has a deep v neckline that goes pretty far down show all of my cleavage.  I look in the mirror and a frown falls across my face.  I look ridiculous in this dress.  I come out of the dressing room and show Sophia the dress.  I guess she could sense that I was uncomfortable in it or she thought I looked horrible.  Either way I wasn't wearing it out tonight. 

"I have an idea.  How about we get you a super sexy revealing top and then add a little bit of you in the mix with tight black jeans and some vans or converse.  Then we will dress it up with some accessories."

"I don't know.  That doesn't really sound like it would go together."

She grabs my hand. "Trust me.  This is what I go to school for.  You are safe in my hands." 

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