Chapter 26: Hold Me Down (by Halsey)

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Hello readers!  I hope you are enjoying the story so far.  As I said before this is my first time writing.  I have been working hard to make the chapters longer.  You will still some shorter chapters here and there.  I have also been working on my grammar and writing skills.  It is far from perfect!  Thanks for sticking with me!



I wake up with Olivia tightly wrapped around me.  Her left leg is wrapped around my legs and her arms are holding my waist hostage.  Her head is laying across my chest with a small bit of drool trickling down her chin leaving a puddle on my chest.  Despite her holding me captive she looks beautiful with the sunlight peeking through the blinds highlighting her freckles.  I think to myself, I am really falling for her.  I brush her red hair across her forehead and her eyes flutter open.  In my head I say, Good morning princess but I can't bring myself to say those words out loud. 

Instead I ask, "How did you sleep?" 

She smiles at me but I see the sadness in her eyes.  The corners of her lips turn down. "Not great.  I had some bad dreams."

She sits up leaning her back against the head board whiling rubbing her temples. 

"I can't shake what happened at the club."

I can't believe she thinks she can just make what happened go away.  It is all still fresh, at least it is for me. I get up from the bed to grab her some pain reliever for her headache.  I give her the pills and sit back in bed.

"We should really talk about it. I feel like we have been avoiding the topic."

She rolls her eyes and slides down the head board and back down under the comforter.  She looks like a little kid making a pouty face trying to get out of talking.  I don't give in to her visual pleas to avoid the conversation.

"I am afraid to talk about it," she says in with a sigh.  "I am afraid of the reality of it all.  Right now I can just pretend it is a bad dream.  Every moment of the ordeal terrifies me."

She looks down at her hands and starts to play with her nails.  God, it breaks my heart that she has to go through this pain.  I place my hand under her chin to make her look at me.

"Olivia, I am here for you.  I am not going anywhere.  I think talking about it will help you."

She squeezes her eyes shut. "I don't even know where to start."

"Start where ever you need to."  I can see the hesitation in her eyes.  I place my hand on her back and gently rub it trying to help her relax.  "I'm here for you...," She puts her hand up for me to stop talking.

She quietly says, "I can do this.  I can do this," as if she trying to convince herself that she can manage to relive the attack.

After a few seconds, she starts to tell her story.  "Sophia and I built the night up so much that we got a little crazy at the club drinking.  We were having a great time with everyone.  Sophia, Lottie, and I decided to head to the dance floor.  At first, it was just the three of us dancing and goofing around then Liam came to join us..." 

She stops talking and looks at me with tears brimming around her eyes just waiting to run down her cheeks.  She could not look anymore lost than she does at this moment.

I grab her hand. "Go ahead.  It's ok.  I am here for you."

"Niall please don't be upset with me about the next part," she pleads and squeezing my hand tight.  I shake my head for her to go on.  I can't imagine what she is going to say next that would up set me.

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