Chapter 23: Wolves (by One Direction)

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Niall POV

I am so bored sitting here alone in my hotel room.  The boys always go out after a show, leaving me alone but it is bothering me tonight.  I don't know why I feel this way.  Maybe it's because Olivia is at the club and not here with me.  Her behavior today has been a little off.  She said she wasn't feeling well this morning but then went out with Sophia all afternoon.  It was like she didn't want to be around me and I took it personal.  I asked Harry what he thought about the situation; he said that I was over thinking it. He then quickly ran off.  He was no help at all.

When Olivia finally did show up at the stadium, she was a totally different person.  She was playful and full of excitement.  She had her walls down.  When I told her I was not going to the club, I saw disappointment in her eyes.  To my surprise she decided to go without me.  I really thought she would have stayed in with me.  She has been sending mixed messages all day and it is driving me crazy.

I decide to turn on the sports channel to distract me from thinking about Olivia.  While catching up on the scores from the day, my text message goes off.  I hope that it's Olivia but I am disappointed when I look at my phone.  It's Sophia sending me pictures of everyone drinking and dancing.  There are a few of Olivia.  I look at those pictures for a few minutes studying every curve of Olivia's body.  I didn't notice how reveling her top was when I seen her earlier.  She had a black bomber jacket on at the concert.  She looks so sexy and I can't stand the thought that other guys are probably checking her out at the club. 

All I have to do is get up and get my ass to the club to be with that beautiful girl.  I think to myself, That's it.  I am going to the club.  I phone Basil, telling him I want to go to the club.  After I get dressed, I meet him in the car outside the hotel. 

Basil pats me on the back when I get in the car. "This girl really has you under her spell."

I look at him and ask, "Why do you say that?"

"Because you never go out with the guys." 

He's right.  I never go out no matter how much the guys beg.  Olivia does have me under some kind of spell but I am also very aware that she just wants to be friends.  I wish she felt the same about me. 

Basil tells the driver to pull around to the back of the club so that I can sneak in without being seen.  As we get out of the car I hear a noise down the alley.  I bet it is just a drunk guy making out with his girlfriend.  You would be surprised how many couples we bump into in the dark alleyways going in and out of clubs through the back door.  I hear a girl yell what sounds like help.  I try to quietly walk down the alley to make sure nothing dangerous is happening. 

Under the flickering light I see her, Olivia, pinned up against the wall.  She is struggling to get free while a man has one hand over her mouth and the other is around her neck choking her.  I call out her name to let her know I am here.  The moment she sees me relief falls over her face.  I run to her not caring what happens to me.  All I can think about is that I have to get her out of here safely. I am full of so much rage and just want to hurt him. Basil comes and grabs her and I throw a punch and hit the guy right square in the face.  I catch the guy off guard since his back is to me as I walk up to get Olivia.  After the shock of me hitting him is over, he punches me back hitting me in the nose.  Blood starts to run down my face and I throw another punch and he falls to the ground.  I start kicking him while he is on the ground and I must have blacked out because the next thing I know Zayn is pulling me away and telling me to stop.  We run to the car and take off leaving security behind to talk to the cops.

Olivia is huddled in the corner of the back seat with her jacket covering her body and uncontrollably sobbing.  I slide her over to me and pull her legs over mine and her head falls to my chest as she continues to cry.  I try to calm her but I think she is way past being consoled right now. 

Fifteen minutes into the drive Olivia stops crying but I can still see tears streaming down her face.  The car is completely silent for the remainder of the ride back to the hotel.    All I can think is that it is my entire fault.  If I would have just gone with her to the club this asshole would have never hurt her.  It all comes back to me. 

When we arrive at the hotel, the paps are already surrounding the place. Basil takes off his jacket covering Olivia's body and places her jacket around her head.   Paddy comes over and tells me that I am all bloody with bruises and shields my face as we walk into the hotel.   Basil picks Olivia up out of the car while the flashes from the cameras blind the rest of us as we head inside.  

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