Chapter 27 : By My Side (by Sade)

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Just a snowy day update.  Hope you enjoy!  Hope everyone is having a great day!


"Hey Niall, what do you want to do today?" I ask as I leave the bathroom. 

As soon as I turn the corner I am caught off guard.  Louis is standing in our room talking to Niall.  I don't know what they were saying because as soon as they saw me they stopped talking.

I tighten my grip on the towel and awkwardly greet Louis, "Hey Louis."

"Hi Olivia.  I was just checking on Niall.  I am going to head out now.  It looks like a came at the wrong time again."

He leaves the room with a huge smile on his face and gives a quick wink to Niall.

"I saw that Louis," I yell to him as the door closes. 

He is always insinuating that we can't keep our hands to ourselves.  Little does he know we haven't even slept together.  I head back to the bathroom to put a robe on in case we have any other visitors. When I get back to the bedroom Niall is standing at the window and he looks so lost.

I ask again, waving my hand in front of him, "Hey, what do you want to do today?"

"Sorry.  I am just a little out of it.  Would you mind if we get out of the hotel.  I feel like I have been stuck inside for days," he says while looking out the window avoiding eye contact with me.

I knew talking to him about the other night would push him away. I knew he would turn his back on me the first chance he had.  No one wants to deal with a girl who brings drama to your life in less than two weeks.

"Sounds good.  What do you have in mind?"

"Have you ever been to Boulder," he asks as he turns around to face me.

He still manages to avoid looking at me.  "No, I have never been but it is on my bucket list."

"Perfect.  It's settled.  We will go to Boulder.  I heard it's laid back there so we could get away with going with Basil and Paddy."

I walk over to Niall and grab his hand, "Are you ok?  You seem out of sorts."

"I am good.  Just a little sore today day and I have a massive headache."

I sigh and go to my suitcase to find something to wear. He is such a horrible liar.  I can tell there is more to his behavior.  I will let him be for now. I grab my John Mayer Go Electric tee, grey cargo shorts, and black converse.  I go to the bathroom and try my best to make myself look like a functioning human.  I pull back my hair in a ponytail and wrap a scarf around my hair.  I throw on some mascara, lip gloss, and brush some highlighter across my freckles so they shine.

Once I finish up, Niall heads in for a shower.  I decide to get out of the room and head down to get a tea from the coffee shop.  As I am walking down the hall I bump into Louis. 

He smiles and waves to me.  "Hey O!  Can I call you O?"

"Yeah. Sure."  I shrug. 

"Just making sure.  I heard you don't like to be called Liv," Louis says. 

His words cause me to blush.  "Oh my god, Niall told you about that?"

"He said you were so pissed off and you left him standing there as you walked away.  No girl has ever walked away from Niall," he says laughing.

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