Day One: The Walk

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     You woke up that morning feeling excited and anxious. Today you and your closest leaf village friends were going on a little vacation together to celebrate your last few days as a Genin toghether. You were a bit upset that not everyone could go, but Lee had to train and Chōji heard that the hotel didn't provide an all-you-can-eat buffet, so he decided not to come. You had packed your bag the night before because you knew how you lazy you could be in the morning. Even so, you were always prepared and on time, as you considered it rude to make people wait. In fact, you hated it so much that you would have panic attacks if you were more than 5 minutes late.

     You had coordinated most of the trip since you were the 'mom friend' of the group. Everyone was to meet at Naruto's apartment at 9:30, leave by 10:30 for the hotel, get there by 5 and spend the next 3 days relaxing. You were on your way to Naruto's when you saw Shikamaru. You were surprised he even wanted to come. Kiba was the one who asked him to come, and he originally declined. After Kiba told him who was going to be there, he decided he was going to come after all. He was still half asleep. I sped up so that you could catch up with him. He turned to see who was approaching him, and was surprised to find it was you.

     "Hey, are you excited?" he said in his typical, uninterested, monotone voice. Again, he surprised you. He never really seemed like a conversationalist to you, but here he was, actually putting in an effort to talk to you. It was nice. you've always liked him and thought that he was really chill. You also thought he was cute, although you never really saw fit to act on those feelings. You two got along and were friends, but you never really thought you would be a good couple. "(Y/N)"? he said. you realized you never replied to him because you got so caught up in your own thoughts. "OH sorry, yea I'm excited. How 'bout you"? I asked. "Eh, it's probably gonna be a drag, but I wanted to get out of my house  for a bit." he replied. Simple enough. You were glad he came either way, you liked spending time with him. He was a deeper soul that a lot of people thought, but showing it would be too much an effort.

     You and Shikamaru neared Naruto's house. It was 10:00 on the nose. Everyone was there except for Hinata. Five minuets later, she came around the corner. You all went inside to have breakfast. You and your friends were on the way by 10:30 as you had planned. it was a couple of hours of walking ahead, so you took the opportunity to  talk to Shikamaru some more. You mostly talked about how you thought the exams were going to be, who you thought was going to succeed an loose, and who you thought was going to surprise you the most. You had talked about everyone in the group; Ino, Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke, Hinata, Tenten, Kiba, and Neji. You realized you hadn't even talked about each other at all. "So... what are you most excited for this weekend"? Shikamaru asked you. "Well, i'm excited for the spa the most. My body is just so tight and sore. I'm in dire need of a massage" you said. "And you"? you asked. You could see him blush a little, which caught you off gaurd because you didn't even know what you said that could make Shikamaru blush. "Uhhhh...... I-I'm sorry I gotta go ask Kiba something really quickly" he said as he ran to Kiba. He didn't talk to you for the rest of the walk.

~~~End of part one~~~

If you see any mistakes or have any suggestions don't be afraid to speak up! I'd love to hear your ideas. Sorry if it feels a bit slow, i promise i'll pick up the pace ;)

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