The bedroom [pt.1]

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🍋lemon alert (further down)🍋

~(Y/N)'s POV~

Shikamaru opened the door and just stared at me. Neither of us spoke for what felt like forever. Just as I started to speak he grabbed me in his arms and pressed his lips against mine.


"Shut up! You can just shut up about being stupid or worthless or whatever it was you said about yourself!" He said angrily.

     "How do you not see what I see? You're smart and beautiful and funny and kind. I could go on for hours. So don't you dare speak about yourself like you're nothing. I'm a smart guy, and I wouldn't let someone stupid become the center of my world!" He looked so angry with me. I barely had time to process what he had said before I felt his warmth surround me. I felt a cold wetness on my bare shoulder. Shikamaru had pulled me into an embrace for one of two reasons: he either wanted to hold me, or stop me for seeing him cry. Perhaps it was both.

   "Shika I-" I started after a long pause.

     "Come inside and relax with me. I'm sorry I yelled at you, please just come in. I need to talk to you".

 I wanted to make a witty comment about how his talk of "relaxing" was finally starting to sound like the Shika I knew, but the feeling In the air was telling me now wasn't the time to do so. He grabbed me by the hand and led me to the bed, which was a grand four post dark oak that sat high above the floor. It had beautiful red chiffon drapes that dressed the bed, along with many plush pillows to accent. It was a bed fit for a queen. However, this queen needed a step ladder to mount the beast, since all the puffy blankets made it hard to get on. Suddenly I felt a pair of strong hands lift me on to the bed.

     " (y/n), you're just so damn cute " he said and placed a small kiss on my forehead.

  "Shikamaru, what is going on with you? I've never seen you like this. And where exactly did you get the balls to kiss me?" I asked. I was sure as hell glad he had done all that, but I also know Shikamaru, and this isn't like him at all. He's lucky I love him, because had he been anyone else, I would have neutered him on the spot.

     " you've made me into the man I've always wanted to be. When I heard you talk about yourself like that, it angered me. It also gave me the motivation I needed to step up and be the man you deserve. Anything worth having is worth working for, you made me see that. I cant think of anyone else I would rather have by my side. All I need is your approval." He said, waiting for me to respond. But he didn't deserve a response of words. He deserved much, much more. He had made me realize he made me the woman I wanted to be. One who is driven and Ambitious and fights for her man. I thought of every reason under the sun to not do what I was about to do, but I just couldn't help my self.

 I shifted my hips against his and wrapped my legs around his waist. My arms hung around his neck as I looked up into his eyes.

     " kiss me " I said, eyes scanning for a reason to stop. I reached my head up to kiss him. Every nerve ending in my body caught fire as I felt his arm wrap around the small of my back. I felt his tongue graze my upper lip, asking for permission. Our tongues collided with a gentleness I had never felt before. It was making my head spin, thinking that our bodies were pressed together like this. I noticed a bulge growing inside of shikamaru's pants. I  could feel it pressing against me, and I too felt a slow burn growing between my thighs. It felt so right that I started to grind my hips against his unconsciously.

  I pulled him down so that he was now bent over the bed with his weight on top of me. I released my legs and motioned for him to get on the bed with me. Without breaking our kiss he climbed onto the bed and laid me down on my back. My legs were spread around him, while he propped himself up on his knees.

    "I want you to take this off (y/n). Please, let me see you". His voice was smooth and sweet as honey, and I felt his words drip slowly down my thighs as he reached his hand up my dress.

Hello I suck at updating but it's probably like 7 am by now and I haven't slept so??? why the hell not??Sorry for making you wait but I promise more is to come very soon. Also I didn't proof read this so I don't wanna hear any shit about any mistakes lol.

Shikamaru x Reader: VacationUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum