Dinner [Pt. 2]

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[this chapter begins back when the whole gang sat down for dinner]

~Shikamaru's POV~

(Y/N) had just sat down in the middle of Neji and Hinata. Damn it, I wanted to sit next to her. I got to smell a whiff of the perfume she had put on back in the hotel room, and damn did it smell good. I just want to be able to sit next to her, to able to take in her unforgiving feminine scent. Although I realize how creepy that is, it makes my knees weak thinking about being able to be close enough to smell her and to feel her warmth. I noticed Kiba taking the seat across her. I stopped his arm with a vice like grip, which could've broken his arm if I hadn't realized that Kiba is my comrade. I gave him my best 'I'll kick your ass if you so much as move another inch towards her' look. Shaking his head and chuckling, he backed off and took the seat next to Tenten. I sat down and looked across from me. I had saw her getting ready in the room, and she looked beautiful there too, but with the dimmed light throwing shadows in the perfect places, she looked like a fuckin' goddess. Her curves were accentuated, her hair framed her beautiful face perfectly, and her makeup was done like a pro. She was genuinely sexy, and it was taking all of my strength not to pick her up and fuck her on the table where the entire world could see. The only thing that could make her sexier would be knowing she did all of that for me, which wasn't very likely. But a man could dream.

"What looks good to you guys? I need some suggestions, I can't decide!" Kiba said with a grin.

"Sorry Kiba, I don't think they serve dog food here" Ino said sarcastically. She's lucky her and Kiba are friends, because had they not been, Kiba would've torn her apart. I felt a sensation on my leg, and looked down to see (Y/N)'s foot rubbing against my leg.

"Sorry" she mouthed to me. I was disappointed that it was an accident, but was glad she was paying at least some attention to me. In fact, feeling her touch me in just the slightest way made my nerve endings go haywire. I felt my dick stiffen as my thoughts drifted far from here to a place where she touched me all the time. In dirty ways...

"Damn Shikamaru, who knew you could pull yourself together like that?" Ino said. My eyes were still fixed on (Y/N). Suddenly her expression shifted from being soft and inviting to being actually scary. "Yeah well, I've always known he was hot. He just needed a little push" she said. The tone of voice she used made me actually fear she would stand up, beat the life out of Ino, and then spit on her corpse. I've never seen her that way. Ever. It was weird because that's such a plain thing to say, so it took talent to make that sound like a threat that would cost you your life.

I finally took in what she had said. She called me hot. That was all I could think about. I felt my head soar as I realized she felt the way I did for her. My mind again went to dirty thoughts about her and I could feel my pants getting tighter around my groin. I felt
my face burn with embarrassment. Not because she said that in front of everyone, no. That actually turned me on. I got up and ran to my room as fast as I could so that my boner didn't flip the table over like it felt like it could.

I shut myself in the room and locked the door. If i saw (Y/N) right now, there's not doubt that I would loose control and do all the dirty things I wanted to do with her. As much as I would like to do those things, I couldn't do it if she didn't say she wanted that too. I could never hurt her like that. I love her too much, not to mention I was raised to be a real man. Real men don't hurt women, especially the women they love. I can't believe that I admitted to myself that I love her, but it's true. I thought about our future. I see furniture and fireplaces and getaways and children's names and our house and... I only see her in my future. I wish I could do everything in the world with her.

Thinking about that brought me back to earth. I knew she had been talking, but I couldn't hear her over my thoughts. I could hear her crying, whispering to herself about how she never did anything right. I couldn't take that sort of talk. She was so precious to me, and there's no way in hell I'm going to let her speak about herself like that. I reached for the handle and opened the door.

~end of chapter!~

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