Day One: Settling In

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~Your POV~

     You were all standing in the hall when it dawned on you. You realized you were going to be in the same room as Shikamaru. You would have liked to say you didn't care, but in reality you were a swirling vortex of emotions. Even though the two of you were just  friends, you thought he was cute. And funny. You finally realized that you really did like him more than a friend. The idea of rooming with him excited you for this reason, but you were also terrified. What if you snored? Worse, you could only think of the pajamas you had packed. You hated wearing pants to bed, so you usually just slept in a tank top and panties. That was all you had packed for your sleeping attire. Had you been roommates with anyone else you wouldn't care, as you were confident in your body. But strutting around in your underwear and a skimpy tank top that barley covered you in front of Shikamaru made you extremely nervous. What if he was uncomfortable? What if he thinks I'm gross? What if he doesn't talk to me the rest of the trip after seeing me like that? All of these ideas made you want to cry. 

     "Well?" Ino said with one eyebrow raised. I looked around to see everyone looking at me with either amusement or inpatients.

     "Oh yeah, sorry" I said as I handed out the room keys to the pairs of two. After they all left to go to their rooms, Shikamaru approached me. 

     "So, I guess it's us together, huh?" he said with a nervous smile. He was so cute when he made an effort to be nice. "I-if you don't want to room with me I understand, I brought some extra cash and I could see if they have another room if you wan-" 

     "You don't need to do that, I don't mind" you cut him off. 

     He seemed to relax when you said that. You picked up your bags and headed off to your door. You opened it, relieved to find there was in fact two beds and not one. The last thing you needed for your ego was to have to sleep in the same bed as him. You could only imagine what he slept in. A hoodie and sweats wouldn't be so bad, but it was more probable that he slept in just his boxers. Your mind couldn't but help but drift off while you were packing your bags. You thought about what it would be like to sleep next to him, to feel his bare skin against your legs. You felt the heat rush to your cheeks as you imagined spooning with him. In the middle of thinking about having the back of you  pressed up against the front of him you heard him clear his throat. 

     "Hey are you sure you're ok with this? You look kinda... uncomfortable" he said. You could see he was blushing too.

     "Of course I am. Plus it wouldn't be fair for you to spend all your money on another room because I didn't plan ahead" I replied.

     "If you insist. So, wanna go look around?" he asked. You were glad he asked. 

     You two left your room and explored the hotel. It wasn't in the middle of nowhere, but it wasn't in the middle of a bustling town either. It had a pool, hot springs, a spa, beautiful hiking trails, and a restaurant. It was nice and quaint, in the middle of a serene forest. When you booked the hotel, you never thought it would have such a romantic aura. 

     You and Shikamaru had made your way to the trails. You were talking about how beautiful the hotel was how excited you were to get the chance to relax. Off the side of the trail you saw a small clearing with plush looking grass.

     "Hey, wanna lay down and watch the clouds?" he asked. It was the perfect day for cloud watching. The sun wasn't exactly shining, it was light out not bright, The grey clouds muted the rays of sun to create a beautiful autumn sky. There was a crisp breeze that made you wish you brought a  jacket. You both laid down next to each other. Neither of you spoke, until you decided to start a conversation. 

     "Hey, Shikamaru... do you mind if I call you Shika? I have a nickname for everyone here except for you" I asked. He turned to me with one eyebrow raised and a cute smirk on his lips.

     "Uh yea I suppose so" he replied. You could see him blushing. 

     "Hey, you look like you're freezing. Do you want my jacket?" he asked. That's when you notice how close you were to him.

"Oh, I don't want to take away your jacket, then you'll be cold" I replied. 

"I'll be fine, trust me. I've always liked this weather" he said. You sat up to put on the soft jacket that smelled like him. You thanked him and laid back down, closer to him this time. You were just inches away, your hands were practically touching. You turned on to your side. You felt at peace in his presence, and you didn't even bother talking anymore. Soon, you were nodding of to sleep.

~End of chapter!~

(A/N) don't forget to let me know what you think!


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