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~Shikamaru's POV~

     Hey...(Y/N).. wake up" I said. (Y/N) was so cute.  Sure she drooled, but it just made it cuter. knowing that she was cuddled with her arms around me and her head on my chest made me want so much more than just that. I want her. More than anything in the entire world. At this moment it was just the two of us. I shook her to wake her up but she didn't wake up. If she wanted to sleep a bit more I'd let her, but we're all going out for  dinner soon and I didn't want to miss it. Feeling her on me felt so natural. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. I felt her snuggle up into the crook of my neck  in response.

**** Time Skip ****


     We sat around a beautiful harvest table and poured over the menus. Shika had woken me up about thirty minuets before we went to eat so that I could get ready. It was nicer restaurant so I did my makeup and out on a nice cocktail dress. The entire time I was getting ready, Shika had watched me with a look of amazement on his face. He went on and on about how doing makeup would be such a drag and that being a woman must be so troublesome and he couldn't understand that I actually liked doing my makeup. It was cute to see him so bewildered. When we got to the restaurant, he had insisted on sitting across from me,and practically broke Kiba's arm to sit there. And I'm not ashamed to say I'm glad he did, because he looked... hot. Like with a capital H. His suit fit him perfectly, and his maroon colored tie made his tanned skin look like silk. I saw Ino looking at him with flirty smirk on her face. 

     "Damn Shikamaru, who knew you could pull yourself together like that?" she said with a wink. I felt a pang of jealousy and anger jolt through my entire body. 

     "Yeah well, I've always known he was hot, he just needed a little push" I said. Holy shit. What the actual fuck was I thinking. Why did I just say that? In front of everybody? In front of Shika. Everyone looked at me like I had just grown a second head. I guess I must have said that with a lot of venom because Ino looked truly hurt. 

     "Damn (Y/N), she was just giving him a complement" Sasuke said. 

     "Yeah, I think everyone can see that he looks nice. I mean, Shikamaru looks great. Am I allowed to tell him that? or do I need to run it by you first?" Naruto said in a sarcastic, mocking tone. I looked across from me and saw Shikamaru going red. He wasn't shy, but he had never garnered this sort of attention before. He quickly got up and walked at a panicked paced towards the hotel rooms. I felt myself get up and run after him. 

     "Shika, wait!" I yelled. Behind me I could hear everyone at the table giggling. 

     "Oh, so she even has a nickname for him huh?" I heard Tenten whisper. I followed him up to the room where he had locked himself inside.

     "Shika, I'm sorry I embarrassed you like that. I shouldn't even had said anything. And now you're weirded out by me, aren't you? I knew it. I was stupid to say that. Please, Please don't be mad. I don't even know why I said it. If you want I'll even leave the hotel and go back home and leave you guys to enjoy the weekend if that makes you feel better, But you need to let me in". An few moments passed with no response. "Why am I so stupid?" I whispered to myself. "Why can't I, just this once, do something right?". Still no response from Shika. "Shikamaru, please just let me in. I'll grab my stuff and head home. First I need t-" I was cut off when the door opened.

~End of chapter~

A/N: hey guys, sorry that I haven't written in forever. I work full time hours now that the holidays are coming up so it's hard to find the energy to write. Luckily, it's given me plenty of time to figure out where i want this story to go and how i want to divide it up. But i promise there wont be anymore long breaks because i will be writing the chapters in advanced and releasing them every three days or so. anyways, Thank you for all the votes and views. it may not be much to some, but this is my first ever fanfic. so yea. thanks.

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