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     " Oh my god you guys, we totally knew it! " Tenten squealed. The whole group turned their heads to observe us. Half looked surprised while the other half looked like it was only a matter of time before we got together.

     "So my plan worked then, huh?" Ino said with a smirk. 

     "What plan?" I questioned. I was still a bit upset from last night when she decided to hit on Shika, but then again we weren't dating at the time and I had no right to be upset about that.

     " Oh my god Y/N you're smarter than this. Shikamaru has had a crush on you since you guys first met! did you really not notice?"

     Shika's hand tightens around mine. Did he really have a crush on me all this time? I glance at him, and he is a picture of embarrassment. He's so cute, why would he be embarrassed? We were together now, I saw his bare ass last night and this is what embarrasses him? What a nerd.

     "Yo Shikamaru, that's so embarrassing"  Naruto laughed.

     "You dumbass, can't you see they're together now? Why would that matter?" Sasuke butted in. 

     "Y/N, I just want you to know that I wasn't genuinely hitting on Shikamaru last night. I just wanted to make you realize that you two were totally made for each other. I've been trying to do that for years now, but you never got the hint! so I thought 'maybe a little jealousy will work' and voilà!" She said with gumption. She sounded very proud of herself. I guess I should thank her later. Shika slid his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

     "Alright children, enough show and tell. Let's get going." Shika groaned un-enthusiastically. the group collectively moved forward towards the festivities brewing in the near by city. The walk there was nothing special. Hinata wanted to stop and take some photos every yard we walked so it took much longer than it should have. 

     "I'm so going on the tilt-a-whirl" Naruto squeaked. 

     "Well I want to go to the photo booth you guys!" Tenten demanded.

     "since we all want to do different things, why don't we just go our own way and meet back by the gates by sun down?" Sakura suggested. We all went in groups of two to stay safe, me and Shika obviously together. 

     "So what do you wanna do first Shika?" I ask. 

     "Well, I really don't even want to be here. I don't care what we do". he explains

     "Do you want to just go back to the hotel then?" I ask. As much as I want to be here, I also want him to have a good time.

     "Of course I do, you look so sexy and I just want to fuck your brains out right here and now, but I know you want to stay and play some games for a bit. So come on, let me win you a stuffed animal or something, that's what I'm supposed to do right?" he teased. However, Everything he said after he said he wanted to fuck me was totally lost on me. Damn him, he knew what he was doing when he said that. But I won't let him win, I need to show him that I can't be tempted so easily otherwise he'll use it against me. 

     After a fun day, the sun starts to drift out of site. We all met up like we said. Deciding what to eat was a feat in itself, and waiting for out humongous group to be seated took even longer. Finally we got to the hotel, after showering I was too tired to go hang out with everyone else. Shika wanted to hangout with everyone else, so I was left to my own devices in our room. I wanted to wait for him in some sexy getup but I didn't have anything to wear. I just plopped down on the bed in mis-matched bra and panties and waited for him. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep. 

Shikamaru x Reader: VacationOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant