1. Stash

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"Hey Tiara, wake up! You have to leave. Here, take this." he gave the money.

"Thank you, umm.. (oh shit, I forgot his name), Sir!",

"Yeah, whatever. Leave, now."

I left without considering how my hair or my face looks. He was such in hurry cause his wife will go home in an hour. I looked at the money he gave me, it was enough to buy me a whole-day meal. I walked my way home. When I saw myself in the mirror, I look terrible, my fake lashes is not in its proper position, I have eye-liners on my cheeks, just completely terrible. I removed the heavy make-up I wore last night, and prepared myself for school.

Whenever I go to my campus, I always try to look like a nerd. I wore glasses, shirt, pants, and a backpack so that my schoolmates would never have any idea about my job. Yes, I am a slut, a whore or whatever it is people call a girl who have sex for money. I never thought I'd be on this job but I was left with no choice. My parents died when I was 9. My aunt took custody of me but she treated me less like a niece and more like a slave. She stopped paying for my education after I finished High School and the slaving continues, she have alcohol issues and whenever she's drunk or pissed off, she beats me ─ even if I am not the reason of her anger. I couldn't take that any longer, so I escaped that hell.

"Hey, T!" I heard my bestfriend, going near me "What are you doing here all by yourself?"

"Oh, nothing. I just like the air around here." I say.

"Don't you have any class?" she asked like she was my mother or something, this is what I love most about her. Her concern for me is so real. She's more of a family to me. She knows my every secret.

"No, I don't. Actually, I am an hour early for class." I replied.

"Cool, let's grab a snack then."

Bianca and I have been best friends since 6th Grade. She knows all the stuffs I've been through. She's the one who helped me escape my aunt, let me stayed in their home for a month, I got a job at a bookstore and my salary was enough to pay a rent, so I decided to leave and rent a place. She cried when I said that to her. She didn't want me to leave. She was the only girl in their family, she had 3 brothers and her mom died in a car accident when she was a toddler, she's a daddy's girl and her family is really awesome. She really longed for a sister that's why she didn't want me to go but I just had to leave them and stand on my own. We still remained friends and she always come on my apartment whenever she finds her class boring.

I wanted to go to college but being a cashier in the bookstore isn't enough to get me in. So I decided to have a part-time job as a babysitter, and still, it wasn't enough. There was this time that I was babysitting on the Maunt's (the family at 2nd floor of the apartment I live in) it was 12 in the midnight, the baby was asleep in the crib, then someone knocked, it was Mr. Maunt. I asked him where Mrs. Maunt is and he said she's gonna be home the next day. He paid me and when I was about to leave, he grabbed my hand, offering me thousands in exchange of one thing: Sex. I ran my way through my apartment, locked it, and felt so nervous. The next week, Mrs. Maunt came over asking if I could watch over her baby for the night. I can't refuse cause Mrs. Maunt was always so kind to me. While I was babysitting, Mr. Maunt came home and acted strange. He can't look me in the eye and I know he's ashamed of what he did. I looked at him in a different perspective, he's not that old looking man who smells awful and looks so hideous in fact he doesn't look 45 at all. I hated how my mind worked that night, I was so out of myself, I began seducing Mr. Maunt until he couldn't hold on to it. He kissed me and offered me thousands, again. Without second thought, I accepted his offer. We did it. I felt guilty right after. I never accepted Mrs. Maunt's request since then but when Mr. Maunt was the one who comes over, my doors are open. So, that's how it all started, how I became what I am now and that is the reason why I got in to college.

"Why do you seem to be so out of your mind this time?" Bianca snapped me back to reality

"I'm sorry, I was just exhausted." I replied.

 "How did it go? Was he rude?" she asks,

Yes, she was asking about the guy I slept with last night

"Uh, no, he's not rude, not sweet either. Boring.",

"Was it huge?" she asks again, with a grin on her face, we're very open and even talked the nastiest things out, another thing I loved about her is that she accepted and understood me with what I am doing, it took a lot of time for her to do that, but still, we remained BFF.

"Define huge? HAHA. I couldn't feel it at all. I swear that grumpy old man needs a Viagra, It doesn't get hard!." we burst into laughter.

Suddenly, we heard a man's voice saying "What is it that does not get hard?"

Bianca and I looked back to see who it was and saw Nate ─ Bianca's crush ever since.

"Oh, Hi Nate! we're talking about the melted ice cream, we put in the freezer and it doesn't get hard no matter how looooooong its been there.. " Bianca immediately said, she always does things to cover me up.

"I see, can I sit with you guys?" Nate asks,

"Sure and FYI, it's supposed to be girls." Bianca corrected Nate with a huge smile.

Bianca and Nate talked and I left them and went to my Programming Class. Mr. Adams was the professor of this class, my favorite class and professor. I was focusing on what he's teaching when someone in the back called me,

"Uh miss,"

I looked back, saw a guy, got starstrucked. He have a wonderful eyes and cute lips, he's close to perfect, his voice was so masculine, why didn't I see this guy before? I think to myself.

"You dropped your phone." he said while handing the phone to me,

I didn't notice or heard my phone dropping but whatever. I accidentally touched the skin of hands while he's handing me my phone, what was I feeling? Are those what they call butterflies?

"Thanks." that's all I could say,

I wanted to know his name, what other classes he takes, I never felt this to a guy before, ugh, this shouldn't be happening, I shouldn't feel this.. I immediately turned my back and was about to focus on what Mr. Adams was teaching when he suddenly says,

"Miss, I dialled my number there just to get yours, I know you won't mind adding a hot guy on your contacts and you could fantasize me all you want cause I blue-toothed my pic in there. HAHA!" 

Then his friends laughed. I didn't see that coming. What a douchebag.

It's a good thing he has that attitude, at least I won't like him any longer. I just smiled in return and tried to ignore him and his friends. Then I heard one of them saying

"Virgins! Ha."

Well, if they only knew.

I went home and get myself some sleep. Someone knocked and it was 1:00am, who could that possibly be? I thought its Bianca so I opened the door even if I'm only wearing my nighties. I was shocked to see Mr. Maunt, we haven't seen each other for almost half a year. We stopped playing around 'cause he says he can't pay me anymore but there he is right now, standing in front of my door.

"Wow, looks like your ready for it already." said Mr. Maunt, looking at me from head to toe.

Then he went in, locked the door, and started kissing me. I was about to talk and protest when he immediately say

"I'll pay you twice the price as before."

then he started to touch sensitive parts of my body, kissing me all over, then suddenly, my phone rings.

"Do you have a boyfriend now Tiara?" Mr. Maunt asked, I refused to answer.

We stopped and I checked out who's calling me at this time, I saw a photo of that douchebag from programming class earlier, I guess he was serious when he said he saved his number on my phone, he even named himself "Hun Some". Ugh. I ignored my phone, turned it off, and went back to what me and Mr. Maunt we're doing.


Author's note:

Thanks for reading. This is my first story written and published. Please watch the Vid, it somehow relates to Tiara. Thanks @CherylChan5! :) 

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