10. Naughty or Nice?

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Sorry for the long hiatus. I'm back and regained inspiration to write Tiara's story. Hope you'd like this. i'll update more often! Pinky promise!

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“So how was your date T?” Bianca asked excitingly.

“It’s okay.” I answered while trying very hard to hide my emotions.

“That’s it? Okay only? Since when did you lie to me Tiara?” Bianca furiously said.

I smiled, this girl really know me damn well that she can even tell that those two words I said was a lie. Of course, it was not okay, it was heaven, cloud nine and beyond perfect. All I could remember was how intense our kiss was, how we gently brushed his hands in my hair, the way he bit my lips – his lips; oh, that soft lips that I would kiss every minute, the way he stares that makes me feel so admirable, makes me feel like a woman. Everything about last night was perfect and what made it more unforgettable is how he respects me, the kiss we had could cross the limits, I lost all control the moment our lips met but he gently moved away and kissed me goodnight instead. I never thought I’d experience something like that in my entire life.

After telling Bianca every detail of what happened yesterday, she jumped like a baby girl who got her doll house. She keeps on telling me that we are gonna be an icon and that she’s very happy for me. Her words went in and out of my ears, like nothing is really sinking in cause all I could remember was Athan’s face. I never thought I’d feel something like this to a guy, this was actually my first time having a crush and I know this will bloom into something much stronger. This was actually the time of my life where I feel so alive. Forgetting about my past is like escaping hell, it feels so damn good. I hope I could stay like this forever.

It’s programming class already and I’m only excited because of the thought that Athan’s going to be a few inches away from me since we share the same class. I feel like I’m a 9 year old kid, who has a crush on somebody, but I am already 21 and I should act my age.

 I entered the class 10 minutes earlier; I always enter the classroom ahead of time it makes me uncomfortable walking inside the room filled with students. I was so used in being invisible.

I was doodling on the back page of my notebook when suddenly someone taps me on the shoulder.

“Hey! Nanny! What’s with the new look?”

It was Rebecca. I almost forgot she existed. I remembered that I am no longer the nerd I used to be. Bianca bought me back to life and now I’m getting all these attention which I do not intend. I just wanted to bring back the old me, the part of me that I tried to hide for a quite some time.

Since I am living the way I used to live, I will no longer let this bitch degrade me.  Even if I deserve to be.

“Why do you care?” I said

“I just thought you still look like a nanny.” She said and laughed together with her friends

“If you thought so, then why did you notice the changes? C’mon Rebecca, I won’t step down to your level. Back off, now.”

She’s really getting in my nerves.

“Is everything alright, Ladies?”

I was relieved to see Mr. Adams walking inside the class room.

“Go back to your designated seats young ladies.”

The cheerios do what Mr. Adams said. Thank God Mr. Adams saved me from this cheerios.  My classmates suddenly went in and the class was about to start and yes, Athan’s beside me. I wish I could focus on whatever Mr. Adam would be teaching.

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