3. Illusion

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"OH MY GOSH! ATHAN? ATHAN EVANS? Prom King on High School? Commercial Model FOUR TIMES for a Men's facial care? OH MY GOSH TIARA!" Bianca said surprisingly..

I didn't know all those things Bianca said about Athan. Looks like he's really popular but still a jerk. It's not impossible though, he really is charming. Charming? Who am I kidding, he's handsome, drop-dead-handsome for petes sake. Knowing all some facts about him makes me feel like he doesn't really like me, who would like a girl who tries so hard to look innocent when she's not. Nobody would ever like me.

"C'mon B, it's not like he mean it" I frowned

"What if he meant it? What if he really does like you?" Bianca said out of amusement.

"That's way too impossible B. Get over it. I'm sure its just part of a game." I said

I never replied to that message Athan sent yesterday. I'm perfectly sure that he's just tripping besides, who would confess that sudden? 

"Well, I was just wondering what if.. That guy is a hottie.. You actually have the same brown hazel eyes.. You could be an item.." Bianca teased

"Just because we have the same eye color doesn't mean we're an item.." I said sarcastically "..and for the record, you know I don't want to be in a relationship."

"I was just saying what I thought T. Athan's really hot but Nate's hotter for me, you know.." Bianca said "..I could just imagine You and Athan together, happily. Don't you see it? It's more of like a fairytale.."

Bianca's a great daydreamer.

"Ugh, Whatever B!" I said it like I was disgusted of what's she's thinking.  

No, what Bianca's saying won't ever be real. There's no one that would ever match me, not that I think highly of myself, actually, it's the other way around.

I don't see any reason why I deserve a guy in my life. I won't ever have a fairytale of my own.



Damn it! I never should have told her that. What was I thinking? Tiara didn't send a reply to what I confessed yesterday. I don't know if she'll like a jerk like me. I don't know why I always acted strange and manly whenever she's around.

I never really liked programming class until this girl with a long dark brown hair walks in the class. I could see how beautiful that girl was behind those glasses. Girls like her was never really my type but I did'nt know what happened to my qualifications the moment I saw her - I was completely dazed.

It took me forever to know her name. Thankfully, her phone dropped one time in our class. Jack was about to give it back but I stopped him and offered to change seats and said that I'll be the one to give it to her.

I had my chance and I blew it. I acted like a total scumbag. I don't even know why. 

I really want to know her.. I don't care what my friends will say.. I really like Tiara.

"Dude! Are you even with us?" Bry said out loud

That's when I remembered we were playing cards. I am totally out of my self

"Yea, sorry. I think I'll pass this game for a while.." I said

"Lemme' guess, is this because of that virgin nerd named Tiara? Are you really serious when you told us you like her?" Chuck said and continues "cause I thought when you said 'like' you meant 'fooling around'.."

Chuck's my best pal since Grade School. He knows me more than any other.

"Yeah I was serious so you should stop calling her a virgin nerd.." I said in a whispering tone

"You totally lost it Ath!" 

"Stop it! It was hard for me to accept that either but what can I do? I couldn't help it!" I said, I feel like I sounded gay but whatever.. this guys may be tough and heartless but they're not. 

"Okay, so nerdy.. ah.. I mean, Tiara, wouldn't be bullied anymore but dude, what are you're chances? I heard girls like her doesn't like guys like us.." Chuck continues "besides, you're introduction to her was a mess."

"I DON'T KNOW, OKAY?" my voice raises unconsciously..

"He's really into her dude.." I heard someone whispered,

"Okay then, We'll help you with her, just don't act stupid any more!" Chuck said

"C'mon Dude, I'm sure that girl would fall head over heels with you. You're Mr. Popular.. getting that chick would not produce any sweat at all. Hah!" Bry said boastfully

I sure hope what he said would be true. .

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