2. Lost

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"Y - ya, Jungkook-ah!!!!" I cried, panicked. Frantically running down the hall towards the staircase and quickly skipped down. Not even caring if i would fall flat on my face because of how weak the steps seem.

I punched through the air and pushed myself out the door faster than you could say "Nope!", literally hurling myself out of the house before violently looking left to right for his figure close by.

Then, from afar, i heard footsteps. Running and shuffling through the dead leaves on the ground not too far away from me. And, despite the rapid change in the sky, my eyes quickly picked up on some rapid movement just ahead of me. Sprinting through the trees and dodging hidden trunks and bumps as he makes his way out of the property.

"You piece of shit.....!!!!" I scream, not even giving myself to prep for a sudden marathon towards the same direction i saw Jungkook had took.

I tried to catch up to him but it was nearly as impossible because of how fast he was. I mean, he is the star in the track team after all....! UN-FUCKING-FAIR.

"Jeon Jungkook....!!!! You better wait before i even begin to plot your death.....!!!!!!"

And, as if on que, right after i mentioned my threat to his life, my ears abruptly picked up on a distant and disembodied laughter that....didn't seem like it came from Jungkook himself.

Cut it out, (Y/n). That's your fear and adrenaline playing mean tricks on you again....! Plus, it's nearly reaching night so - yeah, again, just your imaginations.

Jungkook, I'm seriously going to need you to sponsor my therapy after you pull this shit on me. This is all your fault that I'm beginning to hear voices in my head now!!

My legs were starting to hurt and my knees were starting to ache. I had to stop to catch my breath as my chest began to tightened and my heart beating faster than normally it would.

I pant so hard and fell on all fours onto the dirt beneath me, caught myself on the knees and both of my palms. And just as i was about to cry, i felt a presence nearing himself to me.

A couple of feet enveloped in black boots stopped and stood before me, just a few inches away from my hands that i had placed against the moist soil.

This....was not Jungkook.

Looking up, my eyes scanned from his black boots to his skinny calves, quickly passing his torso before my eyes met with his.


I smell trouble...

Scared, i got up and hurriedly straighten myself up. Brushed off the dirt from my hands and fixed my backpack behind me as i backed away a safe distance from the stranger.

 Brushed off the dirt from my hands and fixed my backpack behind me as i backed away a safe distance from the stranger

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