15. Abrupt Absence

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"So he has a twin...?" I blurted from behind him as a joke.

"No." He solidly answered before marching towards the uncanny duo that seems to be in some kind of standoff.

"Who are you?" I heard one of them uttered.
"Who are you??" The other one blurted.

"Stop it!" One cried.
"You stop it."

"I don't like this."
"Well, I don't like it either!" The other one replied.

"One of us is an imposter." One of them said.
"And that is you."

I ain't sticking around for this. When the three of them were busy with each other, i snuck out from the room and headed towards the opposite direction.


"Stop!! He's right, one of you is an imposter and I'm not playing this clown game any second longer—" i exclaimed as i raised an arm up while straightening a finger pointing to one of them. I released something in order to detect which is real and which is otherwise.

I happened to be pointing towards the real Jungwoo bcs the power I released was meant to "disintegrated" the fake's disguise and revealed his true self. If i aimed at the real person, I'll just end up hurting him or her.

"Ouch!" Real Jungwoo twitched his arm away from the pain as he looked at me offended which cause my fiery eyes to dart towards the other guy.

Just as i was about to catch him, he looked over and passed my shoulders as if he saw something moving before running away toward the same direction that he was looking.

Unfortunately it wasn't in a normal speed, when moved it was impossible to detect his body unless he made a turn to a corner. Otherwise you're only looking at multiple horizontal lines speeding away from you like in the cartoons.

Grunted, i spared no time to go after the intruder. Followed by Jungwoo.

Both of us used our wings to navigate as it was way faster that way.


"Should we go in?" I asked.

"Not yet," Namjoon hyung responded.

"What do you mean?? What if he's cooked meat already by the time you decide for us to interfere??" Said Jin hyung, anxious.

"He knows what he's doing."

"But you just said that he's caught...??" Jin hyung pointed out.

"Yeah, shouldn't we go in and help?" I asked, worried too.

"He gon'."

Everyone abruptly turned their heads towards Yoongi who suddenly announced to himself in a moderate tone of voice as he kept his eyes glued to the castle as if to be monitoring Hoseok's movement even thorough.

"What? What do you mean "he gon"??" Jin hyung asked, moving closer to Yoongi as he transferred from one tree to the other.

"I mean he's gone. I can't seem to track him-"

"Holy shit - he'S DEAD?!" The eldest screamed.

"If he can't track him down, it's either that or he's incognito." Namjoon hyung reminded him.

Jin hyungs nerves soon died down as he began to remember that, apart from transitioning to another being, he can also make himself, somewhat, invincible.


I got as far as finding the stairs that will lead me down and to the main entrance.

I tried to skip my way down until i felt an invincible force tide around my body.

Confused, i had no choice but to stop and looked around me until the culprit revealed himself.

"Hello!" It was one of the guys before. "It's Hoseok, if you forgotten. — And to answer your question, I'm here to save you from these Scavengers."

"I didn't say anyth—"

"For your nature, i know you're about to ask me that silly question. Let's go then?" He stopped for a moment, looked around as if to find someone and whispered to the air "Namjoon, your que...!"

And just like that, another one of them appeared out of nowhere right in front of us. Arms stretched wide and placed on both of us before i began to notice my surroundings were, again, starting to change.

It took me a moment to realize that I was outside of the castle and into the dead of night. This time, i wasn't left alone.


We were supposed to be the first to arrive.

"My Lord??"

We came and stopped right above on top of the castle that belonged to the Scavengers.

I twirled and turned, my eyes went wild to searched for him.

"My Lord? Are you there??" I called out again.

But, unfortunately, it seems that i have failed to locate him.

Impossible, we traveled together! It was just when i set my foot on the cold cobbled stone was when I realized that i was alone.

Where the hell could he possibly be??

"My lord...?!"

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