12. Sabine

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"Scavengers..." the words vomited from my quivering mouth. I could feel my pupils dilated as the fear struck cold down my spine the moment he opened the, supposed, locked and sealed metal bar with such ease as if they weren't locked in the first place.

I bit my tongue as i slowly staggered up, having very limited movements as both of my feet and wrists were shackled by heavier chains that were attached to the wall behind me.

"What are you doing here??" I managed to asked after gulping the nerves down my dry throat.

He took his time to respond as he slowly paced across the floor. Having his head faced directly towards me as he dragged his vulture-like black wings behind him.

These types of immortals may have the least ideal looking large black wings stuck behind their backs; larger than their entire body, some may have disproportionate bones for their wings, scattering black yet shiny feathers. However, they are known to possessed the most beautiful face amongst us all. They can hide their ugly feathery features simply with a spell and roam in the mortal world disguised as a human while they scout their next prey.

"Poor old Kim...Tae...Hyung." He said, clearly ignoring my previous enquiry for his unwanted and unsuspected visit. He continued,
"Don't you just get tired of always constantly being here? All chained up against the cold wall. Mealtimes are uncertain and you won't even know what you're getting. Oh...i don't even want to know how do you managed to answer nature's call in this dump."

"Jungkook is here. He will also know you're here if you stay longer." I warned.

"How generous of you to let me know beforehand. Isn't that some form of betrayal on your part...?" He pointed out, with such smug i wish i could just sucker punch it off his face.

"I'm only saying that because I don't want Scavenger blood in my cell."

He lets out a demonic laughter that was probably a little too loud.
"You think he can defeat me?" There were more to his words before he stopped as we both heard the thudding sounds of giant footsteps coming towards my cell.

One of the beastly guards probably heard him laughing thus alerted them the anomaly of the situation in the dungeon.

The heavy earthquake-like thuds came closer and louder before one of them shouted,
"Hey! Who goes there?!"

There were three of them, stopped right in front of my cell before rushing in and laid eyes on the lone Scavenger. One of them tried to catch him as he shouted

However, despite looking big, bulky and five times more larger than the Scavenger that was in front of them....they were never a match to what he was capable of.

One guard marched forward towards him with a spade. The Scavenger didn't even need to face his entire body towards him, he already managed to defeat the oblivious guard simply with a small flick of his gentle looking hand towards him. Sending the massive man flying backwards across the rocky cell, hitting the walls behind him so hard it crumbled as he fell down on the ground with his face planted downwards.

Then other two witnessed the entire ordeal before facing back to look at the black-winged young man in front of them.

With a smug look on his face, he spat
"Who's next?"

These guards were smart, at least. I heard one of then commanded the other to
"Report. Now!!" Translated into informing the guys upstairs of what was happening down here.

One guard disappeared to send the urgent message upstairs as one sheepishly stayed back to shield me from him with his own spade held in front of him. Pointing directly towards the unfazed Scavenger.

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