11. Deteriorating Confidence

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"Shit shit shit shit shit!" Jimin cried as he paces back and forth in my so-called room.

"Why are you freaking out about? Just come up with something and perform for the horny little deity." Comment Yoongi casually as he took my bed to be his temporary resting place since we got back in here.

"Hey! Don't say that out loud!" Jimin cried, freaking out like as if Jungkook (if that's whom they had been talking about) had one ear pressed against the door.

"What?? You afraid he's going to hear me? *clears throat* lord juNGKOOK hAS MAJOR HOTS FOR VAMPY JIMIN —" Yoongi teased as he raised his voice for his last few words.

Freaking his tits out, Jimin dashed from across the room, flung himself passed me so fast I nearly fell backwards before throwing himself on to Yoongi. Screaming

Amused, he couldn't do much but let out a hysterical gummy laugh beneath Jimin who couldn't keep his nerves hidden away anymore.

"Im sorry but, i may not understand completely to what's going on, but can't you just whip something up spontaneously? I mean, if the Lord himself specifically and personally requested something from you, doesn't that show that you're quite a talent to begin with?"


The girl suddenly speaks. And for the first time she doesn't mentioned anything about escaping or expressing her disbelief towards her current reality with us. For the first time she sounded...brilliantly insolent...?

She's complementing me while taking the matter so lightly as if i could just shit out a dance routine out from my shiny pale white butt like it's nothing.

I was confuse yet flattered. I didn't know how to respond so I just froze above the fairy while blinking a few times as the girl spoke. Continuing,
"Well, if you can't then i guess you're too rehearsed for a performer ~"

"Excuse...me...? Rehearsed?" I blurted, moving away from Yoongi as i fixed myself up from choking him.

She nodded,
"Mhm, rehearsed. Like you can't think quickly from your feet. No pun intended."

"I'm beginning to feel like it is intended, weakling." I snapped, feeling slightly hot in my cheeks.

"She's right tho. You're panicking like as if it's bothering you that He hasn't given you time to practice. As if you don't really possessed the talent to do it." Yoongi starts.

"I mean if you were really that talented, you can whip out whatever He asks of you, right there on the spot."

At first i took offense, but slowly i was beginning to feel like the things that these two were saying was starting to built a fire in me.

The type of fire to encourage me to go against what these two were suspecting of me.

"No — you're both wrong. I can be unrehearsed. I can do it without practicing. I can do anything out of spontaneity."

"Well...then prove it." One of then dared.


"The woods?" Eyes brows slightly raised, i tilted my head a little as Jin hyung proceeded to explain how did he find the female creature whom he dared dubbed as apart of my guest list.

"Yes, the woods. We caught her wandering aimlessly as if to be lost."

At the time, Jin hyung escorted both me and my auxiliary down the chambers somewhere located in the mansion.

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