Love Birds

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I woke up and saw to my left, Enoch, I got up slowly trying not to wake him, and went to the Kitchen to make breakfast. The twins, Jake and Emma where up as well. "Hi Emma! You two are so cute together!" Emma smiled, "What do you mean?" I questioned, "I saw you and Enoch together last night, I was the first one up." She explained. I stood there shocked, eyes widened and struggling to get the right words out, "Don't be scared to tell us that you guys are together!" Jake jumped in, I turned around and walked back into the hall, I heard footsteps coming closer and closer, first was Millard holding one of Enoch's hearts for his projects, then came running after Millard was Enoch, "Millard, give it ba-" Enoch ran right into me, Millard heard the thump and stopped running and looked at us, it was very awkward because Enoch landed on top of me and our noses were almost touching. He quickly got up and helped me up, "I'm so so sorry Emma!" Enoch apologized, "Haha, it's ok." I smiled. Millard put the heart down and said "I'll leave you two alone." Enoch and I just stared at him as he walked away. "Emma saw us last night." I said, "Really?" Enoch replied. I nodded. "Follow me." He said taking my hand, but this time it was different, I felt butterflies in my stomach, and my face started to blush.

We went into his room and he quickly closed the door, "It must be really important if you are worried about the rest hearing it." I mentioned, "Ok, Emma, I really want to tell you that," he paused, "That I, I really like you!" He added, "Wait, no, I love you!" He said. I blushed till my face was like a tomato, "Can I tell you something also?" I asked, "You can tell me anything Emma." Enoch promised, "I, I love you!" I said. Enoch smiled and put both hands on my waist. I put my hands around his neck and we both got closer and closer to each other, until we kissed, about 12 seconds later he pulled away so we could breath. He smiled which was shocking because in the beginning Emma said he never smiled nor laughed! He placed small, short kiss on my lips, "When do you want to tell the others, or do you want them to find out themselves?" Enoch questioned, "Maybe just let them find out." I whispered.

MPHFPC Enoch x OC (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now