Days of Lucy LightStar! -3

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Day one of Training,

Dear journal, it's Lucy here! Today was my first day of training with Celeste, she was really nice and patient. She had me work of gaining more magical energy by meditating and pushing myself on how long I held my spirits out of their gates. During training Pina made us lunch, she me a ham sandwich and Celeste a large chicken.

Together we all bonded, I told them about fairy tail and why I needed to be stronger. Pina and I played around when I took a break. She was so cute despite being the same age as me. If it weren't for her girly body, I'd think of her as a big sister. And despite her age, she does act like a 7 year old. Always asking for piggy back rides and to play with her. She showed me that she could do script magic, like Levy. It was super cool. She had lost of magical energy but never used it to her full extent. Then for dinner, me and Pina had salad and fruit, Celeste went hunting. Pina told me she did that every night so I wouldn't worry. Maybe I'll really like it here. It already feels like home.

Wait for me fairy tail,
Love, Lucy LightStar.


Day 10 of training.

Hey, sorry I haven't wrote a lot, Celeste made me and Pina go around the large mountain for endurance training, she said, 'Get used to it! We will be doing this three times a month!' It took us a bit to finish since it was our first time up that mountain. Even Pina was confused. But when we got back Celeste welcomes us with another bear sized animal over her blue dragon flame. I also found out that the room for Celeste had clothes for her human form, she had a human form for when she needed to travel somewhere or to get food for me and Pina, I'd think people notice if a large dragon came into town asking for some bread and seasoning.

I got word that Team Natsu disbanded from gossip around the town when I went with Celeste. I wonder how everyone is doing... But I won't be discouraged! This is for them after all.

Lucy LightStar.


Day 15,

Today, I started on actual dragon slayer magic. It was weird. When I tried to do a 'Celestial Dragon Roar' a small stream of stars came out of my mouth. I coughed sparkles for a while till Pina came with Lunch. I was taught many more things that I actually pulled off, 'Celestial dragon Razor Claws' and 'Celestial dragon Wing Attack' worked wonders on some nosy mages who found our hideout. After I knocked them out Celeste erased their memory and I had to drag them back to town.

I made some town friends, a girl with brown hair who runs the bread store named Ashley Jacks and a man named Will Serp who runs the library. They are really nice and I visit them when I go to town. Maybe I'll make more friends next time.

Love, Lucy LightStar.


Day 24.

I finally mastered 'Celestial Dragon Roar!' I tested it out on a certain part of the forest for training and it was amazing, it took down lots of trees and make a long road of destruction. The roar was beautiful too, Celeste told me my cheeks light up a deep purple, and my roar is a stream of white and gold light with stars coming out. I tried out more dragon slayer moves. I'm starting to get the hang of it.

Now I know why Natsu likes it so much. Destruction is fun :)

Till next time,
Lucy LightStar

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