A new Guild..?-6

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~End of the Night Shift~
'How,' Lucy thought to herself.

The man who wanted to ask her out on a date won every game...


Lucy calmly packed up the game and everyone walks away ashamed. The dark haired man is still there with a smirk. "Ready for our date beautiful?"

She quickly retreats toward the entrance, "Sorry, I have to take care of my little sister, we don't really have any parents and she's waiting for me."

He follows quickly behind, "I'm fine wit that if she's as cute as you." Lucy tunes to glare at him. He holds his hands up in defense, "I was joking. But you can bring her along, we will just have to hold the goodnight kiss for when she's gone."

"Goodnight kiss?"

"It's mandatory on every date, didn't you know that?"

"I know a asshole when I see one.." Lucy mumbles as she makes her way to the staff office where Pina takes 'guard' so no one enters. In truth the staff members were nice enuf to give a fake job to Pina so she felt like she was helping, you needed a password on the keypad to get into the room but everyone kept it a little secret. They even got her a fake uniform and badge.

Lucy and Pina were quickly welcomed into the staff family. Pina wore a overly large blue police shirt with a badge and black shorts. Lucy wore the normal uniform and worked till she got to get Pina afterwards. Pina didn't want to leave her side and so this was arranged.

She stops at the door to the office and turns to him. "What would we be doing on this date?"

"Well, a walk in the moonlight, candlelight dinner, flowers, but if your little sis comes then it can change a little, walk in the park, kids meal at a family restaurant, and...candy. Still romantic~"

To do this he might be a good man. But she didn't want to go out with a stranger, then again, he kept his end of the bargain and said Pina can come...

'Please don't let me regret this,' Lucy thought. After doing a small secret knock on the door add turns to him and says,"Fine, but let me and my sister change first." He smiles and nods. The door opens and she goes inside.

"Luce-nee!" Pina greets her with a bright smile. She closes the door behind her and hugs her waist. "Done with work?"

"Yes, but um... I made a new friend recently and we are going to go on a small play date with him ok?" She says nervously. Pina things for a moment, then nods as she convinced herself it's ok to do it. "Let's change." They go into a door labeled changing room. A couple minutes later the exit the office in all. Lucy wears pink and black checkered leggings and a back short sleeved shirt with black shoes, Pina wears a purple dress with black flat shoes.

"Hello," the man bends down to Pina's level, she hides behind Lucy's leg and holds her hand. "No need to be afraid, my name is Seth Founty. It's nice to meet you."

'So his name was Seth.' Lucy though.

"Shall we?" He asks standing up. "So what are your names?"

After exiting the casino she replies quietly. "I'm Lucy LightStar, my little sister's name is Pina Cornella." As promised he leads them to a beautiful park with lots of lights and flowers. Pina lets go of Lucy's hand and wonders a little in front of them. She whispers to Seth, "Why are you doing this? Out of all of the girls in that Casino, I'm the one you pick?"

He smiles. "You just.. Shined to me, you looked interesting and 'LightStar' reminds me of a powerful caster known around Fiore. Is that you?"

After a short silence she speaks, "Yes. But I'm not a known wizard anymore. I just need to do something before I think about fame..." Lucy glares at the ground in anger. Her revenge was going slow.

Farewell Fairy Tail -Nalu Story- By Adaline_Legendary Where stories live. Discover now