Lifting the Curse-4

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~Guild POV~

The guild doors slammed open to reveal two figures entering the guild, everyone on their feet and focused at the entrance. Natsu gets up and glares at them. Erza walks up to separate the guild members and the strangers.

"Who are you, what do you have to do with fairy tail!" She demanded.

The figure had long blond and pink hair, large brown and golden eyes, large chest hidden by a black short sleeved shirt, golden skirt with black combat boots, and next to her was a small girl. The girl had a huge smile with bright golden eyes, her white and yellow sundress moved in the breeze, her long blue hair hung down and she looked so excited to be there she'd exploded.

"I'm here for the Mage Lissanna," the woman demanded.

Natsu froze, he knew this woman's voice. He had dreams of it, he searched for it, and he loved it. "L-Lucy..?" Everyone els froze too. Was this really Lucy Heartfilia? The one they have missed for so long?

Yes. "I say again," Lucy repeated, "I am looking for Lissana." Lis walks out from the crowd with a smile. A nervous smile.

"Lucy! I've missed you! You dissa-"
"Cut the act! I'm here to destroy the spell you castes for your selfish reasons, for your sin against Fairy Tail." Lucy interrupts her. "Pina," the blond bends down and looks at the small girl,"Why don't you play with the nice exceeds while I take care of this ok?" The girl smiles and nods. She runs to where Lily and Carla are, recognizing them by Lucy's stories. Happy flies over to see the mystery girl.

Lucy stands straight and looks at Lis. Her face cold and serous, Lis looks nervous. "Lucy!" Erza yelled, "Why would you want to-"

"Erza, stay out of this, you've been tricked, she's passed even your radar Erza, she is not the Lissana everyone thinks she is. She's put a spell on you all, she's succumb to dark magic..." Lucy says as she locked eyes with Lissana.

"Your wrong! She's my sister!" Mira yelled in defense.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be, your my friends, and I will save you all," Lucy looked at the ground for a moment till she made eye contact with the white haired enchantress. Lucy took a deep breath in, her cheeks sparked purple and gold, "Celestial Dragon Roar!!!!" A large beam of gold and stars came out of Lucy's mouth and straight to Lissana. Without enuf time to react Lissana was sent back through the guild wall and outside. She grunted in pain, Lis crashed to the ground skidding, she was bleeding from the sharp edges on the stars, and charred clothes from the golden fire. Lucy walked past her surprised guild mates and walks through the whole leading to outside. As she approached the fallen girl someone grabs her wrist stopping her.

"Please... Stop.." Elfman cried. Seeing his sister hurt broke him.

"Elfman... I'm sorry," Lucy told the giant, she punched the man sending him into an unconscious state, he fell to the ground and Lucy continued her walk. "Lissana Strauss, never use black magic again, and confront your crimes, or face the consequences, release the spell now!"

"No! Never!" Lissana screamed,"Fairy Tail is mine! They are mine!" Lis jumps at Lucy in her tiger soul form, but before she can get an inch on her Lissana is sent back by Lucy's surge of energy.

"Last time! Stop this now!" Lucy warned the girl. She never wanted to hurt Lissana but for Fairy Tail, she would do anything.

"End me now! If you even have the guts! Can Lucy Heartfilia actually kill a human being?" Lis mocked at the blond dragon slayer. Did Lucy have the power to kill her? Yes. Could she bring herself to actually kill Lissana? Lucy looks down at the poor girl, deciding on what to do.

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