Chapter 2

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 The only thing that was going through my mind was that my suppose to be true love is wondering around Storybrooke , where I can easily bump into him everyday. How are you suppose to avoid someone that often? Why am I wanting to avoid him? I finally make it home and sit down on the couch and stick the first movie I found in the DVD player. It was the Princess Bride. The fact that Hook keeps saying "As you wish" to Emma immediately reminds me that I need to burn this movie. It's not that I don't want Emma and Hook together ... It's just ... Now whenever I watch it I will picture Emma as Buttercup and Hook as Wesley. Just because Emma and I don't hate each other doesn't mean I want to watch a whole movie thinking about her love life. In fact at the moment I don't even want to think of love.

    Suddenly I hear a knock on the door. I walk to the door and look through the peep hole. It's Tinkerbell. I debate on letting her in or just acting like I'm not home. If I let her in she will try to convince me of how I should give Robin a chance. If I don't let her in she will probably break down my door. Actually I am positive she will. Tinkerbell isn't a patient person. "Regina?" I hear her say. This wakes me up my day dream of her knocking my door down. I open the door and say "Yeah?". Her voice gets kind of calm "Hey...Are you alright?". I put on a fake smile "Yes. Why wouldn't I be?". Tinkerbell starts trying to explain "Well after the whole Rob-" . "Come inside." I interrupt trying to push the subject away . Even if it is for a couple seconds. Tinkerbell makes herself at home on my couch and I sit beside her. She stares at me and begins "No you aren't alright. I should have never told you. Now you aren't going to give him a chance and you will push him away!".

  Tinkerbell must have felt bad , because she started to loosen up. Now she was looking at me like I had been hurt. " I may not understand how you feel , but I know what you are thinking. You think that being with Robin is going against your love for Daniel, but it isn't. If you give Robin a chance you could be happy." she paused to look at me to read my expression , but she couldn't find any emotion. "You probably will always have a place in your heart for Daniel and think of him every now and then, but now is the time to finally let go though." . She realized that I wasn't going to say anything so she stood up and walked towards the door. As she opened the door she said "Just think about it ." and walked out the door.

   So many thoughts were going through my head. First off , how dare she come into my home and tell me how I feel! I started getting angry before I could think of any other reasons to why I was upset with Tinkerbell. Then I heard another knock at the door. I walked to the door and opened it about to cuss at who I thought was Tinkerbell. Luckily I didn't. 

   "Hey, Regina. " Robin said. I commented back "Oh , um. Hello Robin. Can I help you with anything?" . Robin looked find of flustered "I was just coming to check on you to make sure you were alright. You seemed to be pretty upset earlier.". I immediately thought of my options. I could shut the door or I can invite him in. I thought back to what Tink said and I smiled "You can come in.". I stepped aside of the doorway and he walked by. He followed me into the living room. We sat in the same spot that Tinkerbell and I sat earlier. He sighed "So , are you okay?". I lied "Yeah. I'm fine. I just wanted to get back to my house. I had something really important to do.". I guess that he noticed the DVD player was on and he walked over to it and saw the closest DVD there was. "To watch The Princess Bride" he asks saying it kind of slow since he has apparently just learned about movies since he's been here. Even though he's never even heard of the movie I still get embarrassed of the fact that I am a grown women in my living room and I was going to watch "The Princess Bride". I look down and say " Yes very important ." low , but he still heard me. 

   Robin sat back down beside me and said "You know , you've lied to me two times today. ". I was kind of shocked. Most people wouldn't call someone out on something like that. I just raised my eyebrow and said "Really? What did I lie about?". He scooted to the other side of the couch more and looked in my direction "Well , the first time was when you said you've never heard of me.". I sighed and smiled "Yes. I have heard of you.". He sighed and smiled a bit jokingly "Okay. Did you hear good or bad things?". I scooted back so I could see him clearly and place my feet on the couch to leaning back kind of like Robin's position. "Someone named Maleficent spoke of you.". He nods assuring me that he remembers the time when he was in Maleficent's castle.

   I change the subject "So the second time I lied?" . Robin said "A couple of seconds ago when you said that you were fine.". I try to think of how to respond and decide that I don't want to lie to him a third time. I say "I have just been thinking of my love." . He looked taken back and said "That upsets you?". I looked down for a second the then look back at him "That person is dead.". "Oh, I am sorry." he said sincerely . I was going to said that it's fine ,but then I would be lying "It's not your fault.". He asks "Does it upset you to talk about?". I shake my head no. Robin says "What happened to him?" . I summed it up in my head and said "My mother killed him.". His eyes went wide for a second and he said "Woe.". I realize that it sounded better in my head. I look at him and ask "Have you ever had love?" . "Her name was Marian. She's the woman who gave birth to Roland." . I say honestly "Wow. I don't mean this rudely , but ... Doesn't it sadden you to see Roland every day ? You must think of her when you see him.". He smiled at me and sat up a little "Actually it is the opposite.". I ask "How is that?". "I see some of Marian in Roland everyday. The way I see it is if my son turns out to be as great as her I will be lucky." I smile at how positive he is and he begins to smiles back at me. He places his hand on my knee and I look at his hand for a second then I look up at him. He says "You are a very kind person , Regina." . I'm confused "Don't you know who I am?".

     He responds "You're Regina.". "You honestly don't know who I am?" I ask very shocked. Robin puts his other hand on my other knee "You mean The Evil Queen? You don't seem very evil... and at the moment you aren't a Queen. ". 

     "I've done horrible things. Things you probably couldn't even dream of and you don't think I'm evil?" I ask him. He sighs "Evil people can't be redeemed. You are misguided. You will find your way. ". I stare into his eyes and him into mine. We stay like this for a while. Once I realize that at least a minute and a half has gone by I back up from him on the couch. I guess he realized at the the same time because he look his hands off of my knees. I cough and say "So , How did you find your way to Storybrooke?".  Robin looked kind of nervous. I guess he wasn't expecting our little moment to happen either. "While Neal was in the Enchanted Forest he was telling me about Storybrooke. He said it was safe and I decided I wanted Roland to feel safe. I searched all throughout Rumple's castle until I finally found something to bring us here." . He must of felt like he was done explaining what happened , but then he saw the confusion on my face and he said "A bean.". 

    I asked "Roland and you are the only one's to come back?". Robin shook his head "My friend Little John came back. He was the reason I had to leave last night. He was watching Roland.". I didn't remember him having to leave last night , but I figured it didn't need much explaining. I saw Robin look at his watch. Robin said "In fact Little John is with Roland right now. I really should get back. I wasn't expecting to stay this long. ". I smile " Oh. Okay." . Robin stands up and I follow his lead to the door. He opens the door and walks out "I will see you around?". I smile "I'll see you around." which makes him smile back. 

   I close the door then I head to the bathroom to take a shower. Finally when I get laid down in my bed I smile because I haven't stopped thinking of him. Quickly my guilt of Daniel fades over my happiness for Robin and I begin to frown. I turn over onto my side and begin to think. If the roles were reversed and I were the one to die that night instead of Daniel ... I would want Daniel to move on. I know he would want me to, but it still feels so wrong. I feel like I am betraying him. I also begin to think about Marian. Robin loved this women . Was he prepared to move on at any point? Then I started thinking of Henry and Roland . What would they think. I realized that I was thinking way to much. He probably doesn't even think of me like that. Tink's right she should have never showed me that tattoo. Maybe if she hadn't I wouldn't be thinking like this either. With that last thought I finally fall asleep. 


This chapter was really short so I am going to post another chapter soon. Hope you enjoy!

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