Chapter 7

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-Robin's POV

  The next day I woke up and went to Hook's ship to see what he was up to. He wan't there so I decided to go to Neal's. I arrived at Neal's and knocked. Neal answered with Hook by his side. I was shocked at first because they didn't get along the other night and now they were smiling. I let my shock pass and Neal said "Hey, Robin!". I smile and say "What are you both up to?". They step out of the room and begin to walk outside. Hook answers "David and Snow finally got their new place and they wanted everyone to come check it out. In fact we were about to call you.". I nod and follow.

    Neal knocks on the door and within seconds Snow answers "Hey! I'm so glad you guys came.". We smile and I speak up "Thank you for inviting us.". 

   Snow moves to the side so that we can get by and we see the house. It's a lot like how the apartment is except it is bigger and more homey.

  We walk in and see Emma and David sitting on the couch. They were talking about something, but stopped when we walked in. Emma smiled faintly and David smiled more happily. David spoke up "Isn't this place wonderful?". I look around and consider the question. The brown comfortable looking couch , red brick wall , photos already up , and the beautiful brown kitchen in seeing distance. This place was amazing. I suddenly hear Neal answer "Man, this place is awesome.". 

    Emma stood up and said "I'm going to check and see what Henry is up to.". She began to walk to another room when Hook said "I hope you aren't leaving because of us." . Emma turned back with a sarcastic, but playful look "Wouldn't think of it.".

    Snow steps by me to walk towards Emma "I'll come with you.". When they were gone Neal, Hook , and I sat down and got comfortable. David asks "So, Robin. How have you been enjoying Storybrooke?". Robin nods "I am quite happy I came here. This place has treated me well so far.". Hook smirks "I'd say it has treated you more than well.". 

     David looks confused at Hook "What do you mean?". Neal begins to smile and I look just as confused as David probably. After a moment of silence and everyone realizing Hook wasn't going to explain Neal spoke up "What he means is that you're lucky to be here because you found someone you..." he paused looking for the right word " for.". David looked at me and seemed to be a little excited "You found someone? Who?". 

    For some reason I seemed to be a bit nervous telling David that it was Regina who Neal and Hook were referring to. You'd think it would be because Regina has done horrible things to him and he may not approve of her, but it wasn't. I had accepted who she was and her past and hoped everyone else did too. Maybe I was nervous of telling yet another person of my feelings and still not sure how she felt about me. Or maybe just thinking of Regina can make me feel this way. I'm not really sure. My heart was racing and I say "Regina". David's face went back to his confused expression "Regina?". I nod not really knowing what else to say to his reaction. David smiled and says a bit loudly "This is great! Snow and I knew she would find love again!". Hook says "Shhh , mate. We don't want any nosy women coming in.". David looks like he is offended that Hook called his wife and daughter nosy until Snow walks in. Hook states "Too late.".

Snow says "What about Regina finding love?". Neal , Hook , David , and I all chorus "Nothing.". Emma walks in and so does Henry. Snow frowns "Come on guys . Tell me. Tell me. Pleasssseeee.". Just as I am about to tell her Henry joins the conversation. Henry says "Robin likes my mom and my mom likes Robin.". Snow smiles at me "Really? So you two are dating?". I shake my head "I'm afraid not.". Snow's smile faded "Why not?". I stand up and smile "Because, I didn't know my feelings were returned.". I begin to walk out of the house and I hear Neal ask "Where are you going?" . I reply "To Regina.".


-Regina's POV

   Tink asked "So, what are you going to order?". I reply "Hot chocolate." casually. Tink looked at me wondering "No food?". "I already ate. The only reason I am getting hot chocolate is because it sounds so good right now" I begin to grin. Tinkerbell raises an eyebrow "Aren't you only suppose to have hot chocolate when it's cold?". I frown "Did Neal tell you that?". She doesn't answer so I assume that means yes. "Don't let him tell you anything else regarding this world. He has been here longer than I have, but I am fully aware that hot chocolate is a precious gift sent from the heavens and can be enjoyed whenever." I say . She looks at me like I have just said the craziest thing ever... I suppose I had. 

   Ruby walks up to us and asks "What can I get you two ladies?".  Tink orders "Hey Ruby, I would like ... a hamburger with fries and a coke.". Ruby smiles "Okay. And you Regina?". I say "I'll just have a hot chocolate.". Ruby says "Sorry , but we aren't selling hot chocolate right now.". Tink inquires "May I ask why?". Ruby answers "Most people don't order hot chocolate unless it's chilly , so Granny took it off the menu for now.". Tinkerbell giggles and Ruby asks "Regina is there anything else you would like?". I answer "No , I'm fine.". Ruby nods and walks away. Tink smirks "Regina, you should let everyone know that hot chocolate is 'from the heavens and can be enjoyed whenever'.". I roll my eyes "When it gets back on the menu I will buy you some for you and then you will realize how much your mockery is hurting me.". Tinkerbell smiles "I'm sure you will live.". 

   Before I can say a witty comment back I see Robin enter the diner. He looks a bit tense. His eyes immediately travel to me and he smiles and some of his anxiousness goes away replaced with something that looks like grit. He makes his way to the table and I scoot over offering for him to sit beside me. He does so and says "Hey.". I reply "Hey.".  Tink says "Okay , well. It was nice to see you Robin. I am going to sit over there and talk to Ruby. Maybe I can get her to make me hot chocolate.". Tink walks away and a tension continues.

      The tension was enough to make Tinkerbell walk away. I just stare at almost everything except Robin and he stares at his hands fiddling with them. Finally Robin looks at me and moves most of his body doing so. When he does this I do the same. He says "So I was wondering if you wanted to ... hang out later.". I smile and say "Sure. Whenever you want to.". Robin explains "Well, I didn't really mean 'hang out'.". I remain silent as I wait for him to make clear what he is talking about. Robin exhales "I was wondering if you-". Something clicks in my head and I interrupt him and ask "Robin, are you trying to ask me out on a date?". He nods  "Yes, thats what I meant.". I can feel myself blushing "I would be delighted to.". He looks relieved and he smiles "Good.". I repeat "Good.". He stands up "Tomorrow night at 8:00?". I beam "That's fine.". He starts walking away smiling just as bright as me "Great. I'll pick you up then.". He walked out of Granny's and I felt a gush of air hit the side of my face. It was Tink who managed to make it beside me very quickly. "What was that about?!" she asked excitedly.  I  stutter "I'm going on a date with Robin Hood."


Hey! Sorry it has taken forever for me to update! Please comment and vote if you like it. :)

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