No Life is Allowed Here

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It's usual for 2 lovers to get jealous right? It is, but if it end's with pipe and gun that is the right answer for Ivan and Alfred. Yandere meet Yandere is a perfect couple. There will be no betrayal nor lies there will only be a bloody true love.

"Alfie I'm home!", Ivan said cheerfully entering the apartment room. "Al?!", "Alfie where are you?!". He saw nobody inside, but he knows where to next.

"Alfie there you are! I've been looking for you everywhere Da!". He enters the cold room, Alfred was in front of him facing back hanging something that looks like meat. "Ivan!" he rushed towards him and hugged him tightly and continues to apologize, "I'm sorry I don't hear  you calling me", " It's OK Alfred, oh! is that one of my friend?"

"Hm. Yes she is, in fact she flirt with you yesterday! So instead keeping her alive I decided to give her a punishment while you are working!", He explain everything happily even the details how he get away with everything and finish the job all that while still hugging Ivan and looking at his face with blue happy eyes.

"Really? Now thats my Alfie! My loveable, Beloved, Sweet, and cute Alfred Da!"

"What is that on your left hand?", he points at the small blue bag Ivan carries

"Oh this? It's the head of the woman that made you feel guilty 3 days ago. She's a loner and lost connection with social life so its easy to eliminate her"

"No way! you manage to get her?! Thank you Ivan this is the best thing ever happened to me this week!"

"Your gift too Alfred"

He lightly kissed Alfred and lead the both of them to the dining room, and there was some beef stew. Although me the author myself is not sure if it was beef or just something else.

Some plays with Ivan and some plays with Alfred, but they are all the same. They end up in the storage room.


Sorry for being inactive lately, but I already warn you I guess. I'm just bored with fluffy romance and gone deep to my 'broken' zone and came up with this, which resulting on breaking the 4th wall hope you're OK with that

See ya on my next update

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