Chapter 4

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Brittany's P.O.V

Well I woke up and my back is heated up by the sun that is coming through the window. I get up and shut the curtains and look and see it's 10:30. Well shit I'm late to school. Oh well, I will just stay home today. I am okay with that because David and his gang are trying to find me. So I am hoping this will blow over and they stop trying to find me.

I look at my phone. No notifications from any social media or any texts from anybody. Well I guess Brandon doesn't have any anything to say to me. I'm kind of happy that he doesn't because that would mean that David would have tried to find me at the gym. I'm glad that I could workout at my house because I don't have to risk getting caught by David.

Well let me tell you a little about David and I but also how I met Brandon. Well it started in 8th grade when I was walking to class. I bumped into him on accident. He said that I should have been watching where I was going. S being the kind person I am, I said sorry. He said yeah you should be freak. I was pissed but I couldn't let it show. So I just walked away from him and went to my class. After the day was done, I went around town trying to find a boxing gym. When I finally found one, I walked in and asked for a membership so I could workout but also let out my anger. So about a week after that happened with David, I was working out and I hear someone behind me but I didn't turn because that day I extra angry from David. But when I did I saw a college aged boy looking at me. He said and I quote, "I'm Brandon and you are really good. With a little training and time, you could be a street fighter." From that day on, my life has been different, I have to control my anger and not show my face at any of my fights because of the fear someone is going to find out who I am.

So back to what I am doing. I'm nervous that David has hurt Brandon or Brandon is in trouble with the law because he tends to do that. So I text him making sure he is okay.

(Britt Brandon)

You okay??

Yeah why??

You haven't messaged me all morning... Why??

I thought that you wouldn't want me to message you in school...

I'm not in school today... Woke up late and didn't feel like going anyway... Scared David is going to find out

Britt you know you don't have to worry about his ass... I know what he has done to you and the past of you two has put anger in you for him and you will hurt him again if you have to... What are you doing today??

I think I was going to stay around my house so I don't have to worry about David... What about you??

Nothing really... Can I come over??

You know I don't care if you do... Make sure no one is following you to my house... Okay?!

Okay Britt... I promise... I will make sure... Love you see you in a few

Okay Brandon

After we messaged for a while I was happy that he did so I knew he was safe. So I finally got out of bed and dressed in my Victoria Secret sweatpants, one of Brandon's shirt he left here, and a pair of fuzzy socks. In the kitchen, I look around for chips, candy, and lots of popcorn.

After about ten minutes I hear someone walk in. I already know who it is so I don't even mind if he just walks in because he is trusted by me. He is the only one who knows about my secret and he also is my trainer so he can come and whoop my ass into shape. One day he came over and poured water on me to wake me up just so he could train me. That day he made me run 10 miles and work on my punches for 2 hours. I was so tired. But I am a better fighter from it. Well I am a better fighter then he was, I just hope that I will be well-known around the world.

I stop working out and head to the living room where Brandon is sitting on my couch. He is watching TV so he doesn't see me and the TV is really loud so he doesn't hear me either. I sneak up behind him and whisper a 'boo' in his ear. All I hear after that is Brandon scream and a thud. I am laughing so much that tears are coming out of my eyes.

'That isn't funny.' Brandon says.

'To you maybe not but to me it is.' Still trying to calm my laughing fit.

'Well what do you want to do?'

'I really want to fight and earn some cash but people are still trying to find me so that isn't a choice.'

'I am pissed about that because they don't need to know who you are unless they want you for something.'

'I don't know but they might be in a gang. I am not taking my chances on them finding me so I am going to stay low and only go to school for the time being.'

'That's a good choice. I will come here every other day and help train you.' I smirked. 'No I won't spar with you cause I don't want to end up with a broken nose.'

'Well damn it.'

-----About 4 hours later-----

Well Brandon is now going home so I am just going to bed because it's past midnight and I have school tomorrow. I am still trying to be found and I really don't want to go but I kinda have to. So I head up stairs to my room and plop down on my bed. As soon as I hit the bed I was out like  light.

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