Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

-----a month later-----

Britt's P.O.V

Well it has been a long time and I am going to fill you in on what has happened in that month. I have gone to multiple fight and won lots of money. I am still undercover well kinda. David is still trying to figure out who thhat fighter was. I am finally able to school again and not be the center of attention. It's almost back to normal. David comes to tallk to me everyday.

He doesn't try and get to know me but trys to figure out what happened to my hands. I was training and forgot to wrap my hands so my knuckles busted. I feel that is the ONLY reason he tries to talk to me. I stay slient and don't even make a sound. So he goes away after that he leaves and I'm left alone and that makes me happy.

Another thing I'm worried about it that I think people are figuring me out and about my past. I can't let that happen because the last person that knew my past is dead because of me. Brandon doesn't even know about my past and he has been training me for years. I want to tell him but then he would become  target for people. I hate doing that so I don't ask much out of him plus he forgets lots of things. Sometimes he forgets that I have training at the gym and he doesn't show up until the very end and I'm done.

Also during this month I had many flashbacks of my past and the flashbacks get worse and I can't control when they happen. That scares me because one could happen during school and I don't want that. So I have been missing lots of school because of them. My mom doesn't care because she doesn't pay attention to me. Not that I'm complaining but I feel like she would want to be in my life due to the fact that she is the only parent that I have right now.

I try and hide the fear and pain that's on my face but sometimes it just shows through. I hope that i am able to put these things aside so I can start going to fights again or going to school again. Even though I don't like school, I have to go for the sake of my mom not going to jail.

-----Back to the present-----

I am just about to get out of bed so I can get dressed for school. I slowly mov to my closet and grab the first shirt, pants, and shoes I see. Which to my suprise actually matches. Then down the stairs I go to make me some coffee and food. I walk to the kitchen and start making to coffee and once that is going I move to the fridge and grabbed the eggs. i put them on the counter byt the stove. I grab a pan and start making my breaskfast. I don't kknow why I'm making it because I am truely not going to eat  any of it.  So I cook it and then thorw it away so my mom doesn't worry to much. but she is always somewgere that isn't home so I never see her.

Once I'm done throwing my food away, I go over to the coffee pot and turn it off. I walk to the cabinet and grab my huge thermas that hold a whole pot of coffee. i put sugar and milk in the bottom and mix it so I don't l just have sugar at the bottom of my coffee. I hate when that happens. So I try and make it so it doesn't do that. Anyways after that is done I dump thw whole in the thermas. I love coffee to much not to have a full pot to myself. (A.N. i do have a thermas thats takes a small 4 cup coffee pot and take it to school with me when I need a pick me up.)

I am finally ready to head to school so I grab a randojm set of keys and i click the unlock bottom to see what car it is. I's my 2016 Chevy Corvette in a redish brown color. I quickly get in and plug my phone into the aux cord. That is always the first thing I do because I want my music playing from the minute the starts to the time it turns off. So i go to my music and click on "Two' by Mod Sun. That is my favorite song right now. I put the key and turn it to start. The car speaks a little  dirty to me. (A.N. Taylor Ray Holbrook says that everytime he starts his car in the morning.) I hear the voice of Mod Sun playing and I crank the radio as loud as it goes. I don't care what people think of me or my life because the only person that did is gone and never coming back.

"Hey... I roll up

I roll up two kinds (two kinds)

I hit that shit two times (two times)

My girl looks like two dimes (two dimes)..."

That is only song that was able to play before I was at the school. i grab the pair of beats I keep in my lgove box. These are the bluetooth earbuds so i can hide them with my hair and I don't have to talk to people at all today. I make sure my earbuds are connected to my phone and they are hidden. I put my music on shuffle and the first song that came up was "Trust Issues" by Olivia O'Brien and i love the words to this song because it really explains the way I am today. (song on the side)

I get out of the car with coffee in hand and everyone is staring at me or more like my car. I haven't been to school in about a week because I was tired of geeting flashbacks and having to go to bathroom to hide. The flashbacks only happen once a day and they are minor until i get home.

I head to my locker to put my things in there but as I get there, someone taps on my shoulder but I ignore them. then the person taps again. This person is serously getting on nerves now. I take out my phone and turn my music up louder and push the person away from me and head to my first class. I really hope that person learned that I don't want to be messed with today.

-----At lunch-----

I have made it this far through my day with just that one person messing with me today. I just hope I don't fell another tap on my shoulder but I thought that too soon. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I take out my  phone and pause my music and turn around to see who this is. I turn around slowly and see David. Oh great.

'Yes may I help you?' I say with my original attitude.

'Yes you can. You can tell me why you haven't been to school lately?'

'That is none of your business.' I say and I turn around to walk away.

'Wait. Why isn't it?' He says as he grabs my arm to get me to stop.

'Because it's my business and not yours, so back off.' I hiss and I pull my arm from his hand and walk out of the building and go to the gym .

-----At the gym-----

I immedately head over to the bag and i'm not even worried about my knuckles breaking open. I start taking my anger out on the bag. My punches keep getting harder and harder. Then I start adding kicks to make sure I get all my anger out. i am hoping that this bag will turn into David so he will know what i have wanted to do to him for the longest time. I forget about the kicks and start punching that bag harder until I feel a hand on my shoulder.

'WHAT?!?!' I yell as I turn around. I see Brandon. 'Sorry.'

'What's wrong?' He said looking concerned.

'Nothing just wanted to get back to training. You know maybe fight tonight?'

'I know something is going on and you won't tell me so I will say nothing.i will try and see if anyone wants to go aginst an angry you.' He turns around laughing at his joke.

I reach down and grab my thermas and throw it at his head. Bam. He hits his head. I don't say anything else and get back to training for my fight. I really hope I get someone that won't go easy on me because I'm a girl. I hate people like that because they think I have no strength but when I pin thm down or knock them out they know I mean business and not to play around me.

-----At the fight-----

Brandon actually found someone that didn't care who  they faught but as long as they got to fight. They  won'tlike the way I am today. i am still really angry. So I am ready to throw some punches at someone's face.

I havea hood over my face so I can keep fighting a secret. I am walking toward the ring and see a face I never wanted to see here again.


That's the end of the chapter and I hope it was long enought for you people saying to write longer chapter. I wanted you guys to know I took a creative writinng class and that helped better my writings a lot  so I hope you will see that in the future chapters I post so please tell me what you think and give me lots of support. Love you so much. Goodbye for now.

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