Ch. 11

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(Pic up top is about what her outfit looks without shoes)

Ch. 11

---- Recap Start----

I hear the countdown and I am ready. I get in the stance. I am about to look up and then I heat a voice that I heard about 30 to 45 minutes ago. Please tell me this isn't who I think it is. I don't want it to be. I then quickly look up to see. I can't believe who is in front of me.

It's Alessandro. Shit.

----Recap over----

Why does this have to happen to me? I don't want to fight him because Enzo told his family about me. I just have to treat him like everyone else. This is stupid but it was bound to happen. So here goes nothing.

I hear the signal for the start of the fight. I look for all the weak spots that he has but he is doing the same to me as well. I faked going for the shoulder and then when for the stomach. That tricked him. He went back some and then started throwing punches at with no rhyme or reason for them. This is when I start getting pissed. I fucking hate people that throw so of the stupidest punches. I start to fight for real, as I was holding back because I didn't want to hurt Enzo's brother.

This is when I threw a punch to his face and to his side. I was making him weak and knocking him to ground. This is helping as he taller and stronger. I hate how he wanted to fight me. That pissed me off. I'm just wondering if he told his family because I walked out of the dinner. That is something I don't want told to the whole world. It could get out that I'm in high school and not even old enough to be in bars. This blows.

I don't want to be here any more. I want his fight to be over. I didn't want to do this to Alessandro but here goes nothing. I walk up him in the middle of the fight and he looks confused. I look at him dead in the eyes, BAM BAM, punch to the face and temple. He is knocked. The whole bar is confused as I make the fights last longer but this is so shortest fight that I have done any time that I'm here. I didn't want to fight anyone that is associated with Enzo, that's why I didn't want his family knowing about me. This is why I shouldn't have told him. I made a mistake and I have to get out of here.

I made my way quickly to my room in the back of the bar. How could I have been so trusting? This isn't what I wanted for my life. Enzo caused trouble for me and I hate that I let him in. The trust issues I have been caused by people like Enzo and his family. They can turn me into the police and I can go to jail. My mother needs me and the only reason I fight is for her.

I'm sitting in my room for about another 10ish minutes then I hear a knock on the door. I don't answer them but they knock again. I again don't answer and then they start talking.

'I know you probably don't want to talk to me but you will eventually have to in class. I'm sorry but I had to tell my family. They thought you were and disrespectful. I wanted to give them something to think or you as strong and as more than Alessandro. They are here and they want to talk to you. Please come out and talk.' I hear Enzo's voice on the other side of the door. He sounds like he is pissed at himself for telling a secret.

I walk to the door and open it enough to drag him in here. I do something I don't usually do. I hug him just to let him know that I'm okay with his decision. He hugs me back tighter than I could imagine. I love the way he hugs me and it's different from all the hugs you get from family.

'It's okay. I understand the decision that had to be made and they eventually were going to find out. Do you want to check on your brother?' I say and joking around with my question.

'He can wait but we can talk to my parents. They really want to talk with you. They saw the fight and they were impressed to say the least.'

'Okay. Let's go.' I saw putting my hood up and walk out of the room. I almost immediately spot his parents. They don't fit in with everyone else that is there. They are wearing something fancier then the others. As we are walking over there Brandon comes up to me, hands me the winnings, nods, and then walking away. He knows something was up tonight but he doesn't care as he gets some of the money I make anyway.

We continue to walk toward his parents, I still keep my head down. I still don't want people to know who I am. I try to go slower, I an actually really nervous to meet his parents again. I really wish it wasn't in my place of illegalwork. But it was bound to happen. They had to find out one way or another.

We get to them and I am the first to open my mouth, 'I am sorry for walking out at dinner but I have trust issues and Enzo is the first person to actually walk up to me in school. As well as I am not trying to be discovered here so I would much rather talk about this in a different environment, if that is okay with you?'

They are quiet for a few seconds and then they start talking, 'With our job, we have the same issues. I know Enzo told us what we do and he told us what he does as well as a few other things. But if you would like he can meet at the house and we can discuss more in my office, just you and I. Does that sound okay?'

I am thinking over my decision and then I say, 'Okay meet in an hour. I have a few others things to do before going there again.' I begin to walk away to grab my bag when I remember I knocked out Alessandro during the fight. I turn around to look at his parents again, 'Are you going to check on your other son. I think he may still be knocked out on the mat.'

'He's a big boy and can take care of himself. Plus, he brought his own car here. He will know where to find us if he really needs us.' His dad tells me.

I nod and go to the locker room. I grab my bag and head outside to find Enzo leaning against my car. I give him a look and he opens my door for me. I get in and turn the car on as he is getting in the passenger sit. We give each other a look. 'Wanna go fast?'

He nods and soon as I see his head move. I put my foot on the gas and shift gears. We are pushed back into the seat and off we go to his house. The cops know all my cars and know that going the speed isn't really my thing. They know I'm either a. not going to stop or b. just don't think about pulling me over. I'm fine with having that relationships with cops. I know they will come when they call. I don't have many run in with the law before everything happened so they know I'm a chill person. Plus, I have their captain on speed dial if they want to try something with me, that is useful with the rookies they have on the streets.

We make it back to his house and I see a car in the driveway. I assume that it's his parents as I took the long way to his house so I could have a bit of fun. But we get out and walk to the door, hand in hand, and low and behold his brother is standing there. I didn't think he would be up or able to drive after the fight but oh well. I push him out of the way so we can move inside and he still stands there.

'Can I help you?' I say with the most attitude I can pull up.

'Why did you knock me out? It's suppose to be a friendly fight.'

I say with the straightest face, 'None of my fights are friendly. Ask anyone that has been against me. They would say otherwise.' I push him again and he moves, finally. I add in, 'The fence around the ring wasn't there when I started. They added that for me.' I continue walking not even bothering to look back to his face.

Enzo and I are cuddling on the couch waiting for his parent when I start to get sleepy from all of the events that happened today. But I try to stay away. Enzo can probably tell by my actions that I'm getting sleepy. He tells me just to fall asleep and we can talk with them in the morning. So I listen to him and calmly fall asleep against his shoulder. 

Quick note from me....

Sorry this took forever I'm extremely busy with school and have almost no time for myself. I have been writing this for a bit. I tried to edit as much as I could as well as when I'm typing. So sorry for for the grammar errors. Again I will try and write another chapter soon but I hope you enjoyed this.


Annie the Author

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2020 ⏰

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