Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Britt's P.O.V


I have a hood over my face so I can keep fighting a secret. I am walking toward the ring and see a face I never wanted to see again.

----Recap Over----

That face was my dad. He left my mom for someone half his age. He said he found "something better". That is some bs. Mom was the better half of him and after he left my mom didn't talk. She was saying some crazy things when he did leave. She said things like "I'm the reason he is gone" or "I'm not want he wanted for the rest of his life. He didn't want me". I hate him so much right now but I am trying to say calm so he doesn't figure out that it's me. I am a good fighter but I wanted to fight because my sperm donor made me. He made me because he wantd me to be like him, well he got his wish. I just hope he forgot about me and how I fight.

I get to the ring and keep my head down and not looking at him. util I hear him say, 'Well. Well. Well, if it isn't my daughter. Being the fighter I wanted you to be. I hope me and Brandon's training did you well.'

'What are you talking about?' I say looking up to look at his eyes.

'I'm talking about the training you have been doing for years. That wasn't just for this reason, it was also so you could take me down and become the leader of the gang I have been running since I left you and your mother.'

'Why the hell would I want to do that? I want nothing to do with you and or anything that has to do with you?'

'Well I guess you will just have to prove how good of a fighter that you have become. But I do have a request, take off your hood so I can see the face of my beautiful daughter.'

Do I listen to him and take off my hood. All the people round the ring know that I am a girl now thanks to him. I slowly reach my hands to take my hood off. I need to look at my sperm donor in the eyes to show him all the pan he has caused in my life. I take the hood off and eveyone in the room is silent. They finally got to figure out who the fighter was under the hood.

'You happpy?' I say as I look him in the eyes.

'Very. Now lets fight.' He said.

'No. I am not going to give you the joy of learning my stengths and weaknesses so you can use them against me. I want you gone. This has been my gym for years and you are not taking that from me. So leave. NOW!' I say. I turn to walk away and no one dears touch me when I leave.

I am out of the gym and walking to my car. I unlock the doors and quickly get in. I'm sobbing as I start the car. I put the car in drive and drive home. I don't want to deal with people.

----Skip car ride-----

I get home automatically climb the stairs to go to my room. I am in the room and start throwing thing off the shelf and knocking things down. I hear the door open and someone pull me into their arms. I don't look to see who it is all I do is cry in their arms.

I cry for what feels like a hour and look to see who is holding me and it's mom. I feel sorry for because had to marry a man like that. He didn't deserve her at all. I just wish he wasn't my father. I don't want him as one.

'Thanks for holding me mom. I love you.' I say in an extremely quiet tone.

'You're welcome honey. I don't know what happen but if you want to tell me then you can. I'm always here for you if you need me.'

I don't say anything else so mom gets the idea that I am not going to tell her. So she puts me into bed and tucks me in and then leaves the room. I wish I could tell her but it's a life I don't want her in.

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