Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

David's P.O.V

Let me get one thing straight. I'm in love with Brittany. I know what you might be thinking. Why bully her then? My answer to that is, I didn't want anyone to find out. I'm popular and if people found out that I like her, shit would go down. A the moment she pulled into the school, it finally hit me that these are real feelings. I am not very good at expressing things but I want to learn. For her.

I'm looking round at all the students in the school and they are staring hard at her. Girls have looks of jealousy. Guys have looks of lust. I'm laghing in my head at the girls and glaring at the boys. They can't have whats mine. SHE IS MINE!! ONLY MINE!! I need to make my move.

I go follow her into the school then to her locker. I'm gonna try and get a date.

'Hey Britt...' Trying to figure out what to add but I'm interrupted.

'Hey Fuckboy. What do you want?' She says really annoyed.

'What you doing here?' Really thats the best I come up with.

'Going to school you dumbass.' She says with sarcasm dripping from her voice.

'Oh.' I say. 'Well want to go out sometime?' That's the only thing I could come up with.

'Let me think,' She takes a pause as she turns around. 'No. You are just a fuckboy that is trying to get into my pants and that isn't gonna happen. So you can take your whoreish ways away from me and never talk to be again.' She turns around but I quickly grab her wrist to stay where she is.

'Can I at least have 1 date? that's all I'm asking.' I'm begging this is awful. I'd never do this for anyone else.

'No. That is my final answer. Now let go.' I let go because as she says the last things she is really scary.

I know she is a fighter so I'll leave her be for today. Another day. Another day you will be mine.

Enzo's P.O.V

I'll really enojy being Britt's friend. I'm glad she gave me a chance. i'm not gonna screw this up. I want her to trust me. But.... I think she will after I tell her about me and my family. I hate living in fear of losing someone. She is someone that I'm trying not to lose. /she is my light and I'm not gonna let anything happen to her. I need her trust.

Let me tell you, my family isn't gonna be happy with me. They know the risk and I'm the one letting a girl mess with me. I fucking hate this. I want to tell her but she can't know. She will know, just not today.

'So Britt...' I say as I put my arm around her. 'What are you doing later today?' Hoping that she will answer after what just happened.

'Nothing.' She says with no emotion. Damn, who pissed in her cheerios. Anyway.

'Want to come over to mine for a movie and chill?' I say hoping that she says yes.

'Sure but I'm picking the movie. I'll walk over to your house after I get home.' She says.

'Great, See you soon sexy.' I say as I walk away but first I had to smack that ass.

SMACK Damn her ass is firm but jiggly. I want to know her secrets. I'm gonna figure you out Brittany even if the last thing I do.

----After school at home----

I go home and prepare for Britt. I'm looking forward to her coming over but I'm nervous about my parents are going to think. I have to tell them now before it's too late.

'Mom! Dad!' I yell steppping into the house.

'Living room' I hear my mom say.

I walk in there and see both parents. I was really hoping one was out and not home. Anyway it's good so I don't have to repeat myself.

'I have a friend coming over so please behave.' I say being serious. My parents chase away every single friend I have.

'We will. But you have to tell us who it is?' My dad says seriously.

'Well...' I pause.

'Well what?' My dad says starting to get angry.

'Her name is Brittany and...' i'm interrupted by dad yelling.

'How could you? We allowed you to go to school but if you made friends it couldn't be GIRLS?! What did you not understand about that? How you could be so stupid?'

'Well...' I say in a calm manner. 'She is my friend because she is like me. She has secrets and I want to know them. Plus she is the one for me even though I don't know her well. I feel a connection with her that I don't feel with other.'

I can still see that my dad is angry, no, pissed. He sees that I am saying this from the heart and he is okay with us being friends but if it become more, we have to move. Again. I hate living the life I do. But I love it as well.

I love my parents but I also love my job. I hate telling my so-and-so "friends" because they always leave my in the end. I hate it but I have something with Britt and I hope it goes far. 

'I love you guys. I won't let you down.' I say hugging my parents. 

As soon as that was over, the doorbell rang. I ran to open it. It took my a second to open the door because I wanted to slow down my breathing. I slowly put my hand on the door knob to open it to see not Britt but David. What the hell is he doing he? Did he follow me home? I hate him. Not just for being a fuckboy but for trying to take Britt from me. 

'What do you fucking want?' I say with a pissed off tone and a glare on my face.

'I want you to stay away from Britt. SHE IS MINE AND YOU WILL NOT TAKE HER!' He yells in my face. Boy has fucking guts to do that to me. 

'Who are you talking to?' I say as clam as I can.

'You.' He says getting closer.

'No you're not. I want you get away and leave Britt alone.'

'I'm not going to. May the best man win.' He says with a smirk. 

'I think I'm already winning. I saw you get turned down today by her. Just to let you know she is coming over and there is nothing you can do to stop her. Get off my property before I call the cops .'

'Fine but this isn't over.' He says turning around and walking to his car. I see him drive away and I turn around and make my way inside. 

Now I really hate the guy. 


Author's note:

This something that popped into my head. The idea was have David and Enzo battle each other for the girl. I wanted it in their views so you can see what they are thinking. I have no idea if this is good or not? Please leave feedback, I appreciate it. Thanks for reading. 

Love ya,


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