Chapter 7: 1(800)SAVE-FRANK Today!

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Gerard Way had spent the entirety of Friday afternoon cleaning the house, which he had never done before in his entire existence on the god-forsaken planet known as Earth. He vacuumed the carpet in the living room, dusted the TV and tables, folded his laundry, made his bed, took out the trash, and even decided to plug in those Febreze things that make your entire house smell like clean linen. Before that afternoon, Gerard didn't even know that those things existed, he always thought that his house naturally smelled like that. His mom was so impressed that she gave Gerard an extra $20 for his allowance that week. Mikey, however, was just completely bewildered as to why Gerard was cleaning at all, let alone because someone he was into was coming over.

"Why the fuck are you freaking over this Frank guy, anyways?" Mikey decided to just be 100% honest and upfront with his brother, because that was the only way he was going to get any answers.

"Honestly? I have no fucking idea why." And that was when it hit Mikey, and it hit him hard, like it wasn't a light slap in the face, it was like a 20 ton fucking semi-truck just plowed straight through him at 150 mph without even fucking hesitating.

Mikey was honestly so shocked to find out that his brother had a vulnerable side that didn't want to just fuck the brains out of every living thing, that he couldn't even respond, which was good since the doorbell had just rang, signalling that an emo midget was outside.

"I'll get it!" Gerard screamed as he ran to the door.


Frank had spent a good 10 minutes just standing outside the door, pondering if he really wanted to go through with this. On one hand, if he stays he gets free food and a Harry Potter marathon. On the other  hand, if he stays Gerard might try to seduce him and get into his pants. But there was just something about the way Gerard asked him to the Harry Potter marathon and the absolute vulnerability and nervousness that had unmistakably shown on his face for those short few seconds that made Frank second guess his concern for Gerard trying to seduce him.

With that thought, Frank pushed the doorbell before he could stop himself, and in those 2 seconds that it took Gerard to burst open the door, Frank mentally face-palmed himself for not thinking it through completely. However, that mental face-palm didn't last very long because soon the door had taken his hand's place on Frank's face, just in a much more painful way.

"Oh my dick, I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Shit, you're nose is bleeding! Fuck, okay, um I think my mom keeps the first aid kit in the kitchen-"

"Gerard I'm okay, I promise." Frank had no idea why he was the one giving the comfort, but Gerard was freaking out, and someone had to act calm in this situation.

"Well, I should still try to clean you up, come in, come in." Gerard grabbed Frank's hand that was not trying to stop the river of blood that was flowing from his nose and practically dragged him into the kitchen. "Here, sit up on the counter while I find the kit-"

Frank rolled his eyes, but saw that Gerard was not about to budge in his mission to help Frank's nose, so he relented and hopped onto the counter. As he watched as Gerard frantically looked in drawers and cabinets, he couldn't help but still feel the warmth of Gerard's hand in his, and he felt his heart flutter at the thought. Frank blushed, feeling stupid and ridiculous, luckily, though, Gerard was too busy fussing over his nose to notice Frank's blushing.

"Alright, I found some antiseptic and wet wipes, let's hope this works." Gerard was about to just poor the entire fucking bottle of antiseptic onto Frank's face when Frank grabbed the bottle out of his hands.

"Stop! Have you never used this shit before?" Frank asked in disbelief.

" No, my mom always does it to Mikey, but I never stay to watch."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2016 ⏰

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