Chapter 6: Frank Iero and the Harry Potter Marathon

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The next day was Monday, and let me tell you how unappreciative Frank was of the Monday. If that Monday was a person, Frank would've kicked them in the shins, since that was all he could kick with him being short and all. However, his height was perfectly compatible with doing something else that made a person feel completely different.

But that Monday was also kind of exciting for Frank. I mean, the dude just spent at least five hours with "Evangeline Avenue" talking about how great Gerard is and how good of a boyfriend Gerard would be. And since poor, innocent, gullible Frank had no idea that Evangeline Avenue was a horrible alter ego for the infamous sex freak Gerard Way, he started to reconsider his earlier judgements of the guy.

I mean, he never really got to know Gerard, right? Like he never really gave him a chance to talk and explain himself, did he? And now "Evangeline" shows up, talking about how amazing Gerard is, and he starts to think that maybe, just maybe, he was wrong.

Obviously we all know that he wasn't incredibly wrong in the first place and that, despite having good intentions, Gerard Way was a fucking dooche nozzle that really just wanted to get into Frank Iero's pants, but I mean, don't we all? And it's not like Gerard is going to have any sort of character development that would cause him to change his mind and actually fall deeply in love with the stupid emo midget. That would be horrificly stupid and a waste of everyone's time.

Anyways, random tangents on character development predictability aside, when Frank walked into the math class he not only shared with Gerard Way, but also sat next to the aforementioned douche nozzle, he felt this little flurry of emotion at the bottom of his stomach. He didn't know what to expect when he sat down, he was kind of scared that all of the good things "Evangeline" said about him were going to be proven false and he would just be left with disappointment.

However, Frank didn't have much time to dwell on that thought because Mrs. May decided that it would be the perfect time to start class.

"Now everyone, today we are going to be working in partners to complete this worksheet. It should take you almost the entire period to complete, so please stay inside your partnerships and do not talk to others unless it is about math exclusively. Now get to work." Mrs. May then turned and went on her computer, pretending to do work when in reality she was just looking through pinterest.

As everyone started to get into partners, Frank started to realize, much to his horror, that his partner was in fact, the douche nozzle known as Gerard Way.

And, being the drama queen that he was, Gerard made a spectacle of picking up his chair, carrying it that small distance between his desk and Frank's desk, then slamming it down, turning it around, and finally sitting down on the chair backwards.

"Hey sexy!" Gerard winked, arms crossed sassily on the desk.

"Hey." Frank said, noticably less enthusiastic at thr prospect of working with Gerard for an entire fucking period. But then again, he was supposedly a decently good guy, so maybe this wasn't such a bad thjng after all.

"So, how do you want to do this worksheet?" Gerard asked, looking at the math problems as if they were the spawn of Satan, which, in his head, they were much worse than that.

"You do the front, I'll do the back, and then we'll give each other the answers." Frank respondes coldly before getting to work on his half of the problems.

Gerard just nodded in response and the two of them sat in an awkward silence for a couple of minutes. Now, Gerard is one of those people that can not stand silence, no matter the situation. So he tried, really tried, to stay quiet for at least awhile, since that's what it seemed like Frank wanted, but after like five minutes of awful silence, he just couldn't handle it anymore. So he simply decided to brake the silence.

"How was your weekend?"

That question fucked Frank up for a second because, did Gerard Way seriously just ask a question that didn't revolve around himself? Of course, in reality, it was a question that completely revolved around himself, but Frank didn't have to know that, did he?

"My weekend?" Frank asked, completely confused and shocked.

"No, the other emo midget at this table. Of course your weekend! I'm curious as to how your weekend was."

"First of all, this is a desk, not a table-"

"Same thing!"

"Second of all," Frank continued, deciding to just ignore how rudely he was interrupted, "My weekend was pretty boring. I had to work, and then I hung out with this random girl at a coffee shop and-" Frank stopped, eyes wide. He just realized that he now had to mention the fact that he met Gerard's "cousin" and went sholping with her and fuck that was going to be such a pain in the ass and-

"Wait, was that random girl's name Evangeline Avenue?" Gerard asked, completely stopping Frank's train of thought.

"Y-yeah, she's your cousin right?"

"Yeah! She's like, my favorite cousin! Did she mention anything about me?" Gerard asked, pretending to be completely ignorant to what happend over the weekend despit having been apart of it personally.

"She mentioned you very briefly, I guess." Frank lied, looking away to hide the slight blush that was taking over his face.

"Oh my! I hope she didn't say anything bad about me!" Gerard laughed, acting embarrassed.

"She only had good things to say about you, I promise." Frank laughed awkwardly.

"I hope she didn't make me sound better than I actually am." Gerard said, genuinely bashful, knowing that he actually did make himself sound better than he actually was.

"I've been kind of hoping the same thing," Frank laughed then stopped, eyes wide once again because of what he just said, "I mean, not that I've been thinking about you a lot or anything! I mean, I've thought about you, but that's only because she said some great things about you that took me by surprise because of the reputation you have and oh fuck I'm making this worse, aren't I?" Frank groaned, burying his head in his hands.

"Well, do you want to find out?" Gerard asked after a couple of minutes, since that was the amount of time it took for him to work up the courage to ask that question, whoch was really throwing him off since Gerard was usually not afraid to ask those types of questions at all.


"I mean, you don't have to, but like, if you were wondering if I was really as great as Evangeline said, then maybe you would like to, I don't know, hang out?" Now it was Frank's turn to be completely thrown off because Gerard Way actually looked and sounded nervous, which was unheard of, as far as he knew.

"What would hanging out entail?"

It took Gerard a second to answer, since he expected Frank to throw the desk at him or something in response, but evetually he managed to say, "I don't know, maybe a Harry Potter marathon at my house?"

Frank doesn't know why he said it. Those three words. Maybe it was because he saw a small glimmer of a Gerard that no one knew, an insecure, nervous Gerard that was scared of rejection. Or maybe it was how vulnerable Gerard sounded that Frank just couldn't bring himself to make up an excuse to not go. Or maybe it just simply the fact that Frank could never turn down an invitation to a Harry Potter marathon.

Whatever the reason, Frank heard himself say those three words, "Sure, why not?"

And that's how Frank ended up at Gerard Way's door Friday night at 7:00 o'clock pm.

*A/N: Hello my lovelies! I am so sorry for the lack of updates! I have been so busy that I haven't had time or energy or even motivation to write anything. But I'm back! And maybe you guys wanna check out my other works in between this update and the next update because I don't know how long that will be #shamelessselfpromo

Till next time,

Nah Mate, I'm GayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang