Walk with me Today Lord

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Hello Friend -

Who is your very own best friend that is walking with you today? Who would you like it to be?

If you invite Jesus into your life - he will walk with you both through this day - and in both the happy and challenging days ahead. He won't let you down. He is worthy to be trusted with your deepest

desires, needs, wants and dreams. He can trust him with your deepest secrets and you can pray to him to protect care love and inspire you. You can take all of your problems to him and ask for his help - knowing that he only wants the best for you. He loves you sooo much.

Let's pray.

Dear Kind and Caring Father

 Thank you for the gift of today. Thank you for our families, our friends, our co-workers,the strangers we meet along the way - that alot of times - brighten our day. Thank you for walking with us while we go through both the happy times - and also the trials and challenges of life. For each trial and challenge we go through - we come out the other side stronger - stronger in your strength - and not bitter - not bitter because the one who walks with us - is the most competent, caring, loving friend who is leading the way and supporting us  - You have already experienced so much pain, heartache and grief yourself - and you are therefore the best equipped, qualified one  - to tell us - yes I really do understand...yes I will help you - yes I will care for you - yes I will love you forever and ever - and yes - I promise I will never ever leave you nor forsake you.

 You didn't say life would be easy Lord - but you did say that you would give us the strength to get through each trial in your strength - and for that - we are ever so grateful  - for we need your love,strength and support in our lives always - every day.

Lord you put so much vaue on each one of us - Help us to value, care, help and support each other - doing kindness for others - because of the deep love that you have imparted into our hearts - when we accepted you into our lives - and also as we continue to accept you into our lives on a daily basis.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Sometimes it's easy to forget why we are so special - but as we contemplate the life of Jesus - and what he did for us - We see how much each one of us is truly worth - in Jesus eyes we are worth so much -  we are more precious than Gold.. We are worth so much in fact - to Jesus that he laid down his own life for us.

That brings tears to my eyes Lord  - knowing how much Jesus cares about us - and knowing what he went through for us - so he could assure us of a more abundant life - both here and in the life hereafter. We are assured of a bright, happy and glorious future in heaven with you Lord - the one who loves us all - a future where there will be no more heartache, no more sorrow, no more pain. All we have to do is accept you into our lives and follow you - You said you will give us rest for our souls.

We are so privileged - we get to talk to you in prayer - as our very own best friend - we have the bible to read so we can come to know you better - and we can also spend quiet time each day meditating on your word - increasing our confidence and hope in you.  You are an awesome, powerful, loving, caring, miraculous God - who is worthy to be praised. What a wonderful inspiring uplifting friend - you truly are.

 Help us Lord to step out of our comfort zone - and to reach out to everyone - Help us to befriend people into our social circles who we normally wouldn't include. Help us to draw nearer to you - and to see the importance of each person - through your eyes - so we can truly care, listen, support and encourage them . If Jesus loves us so much - that he laid down his life for us - then we should be so thankful that we find it such a pleasure and a joy to help those around us. We all go through good times and bad times Lord - and we all need each other. We all need kindness, care and support on a daily basis.

Lord I pray for the person/persons reading this prayer - If they are going through a hard time right now - I pray for them be comforted by the power of your holy spirit. Encircle them in your arms of love - and may they feel your great love and caring presence in their lives. Help them to know that you are the best one to help them - because you have already been through hurt, pain, loneliness and betrayal - and you have overcome. 

 You sent your only begotten son into this world to be a saviour to everyone - the lost, the lonely,the down and out, the rich and the poor. Jesus went through such much pain, heartache and sorrow -from the very world in which he came to save - the unthankful, unkind, mean, nasty humans  beat him, spat upon him and hung him on a cross - A horrible terrible death is what Jesus experienced - he didn't get to die peaceful in his sleep - he could of said no - I won't save this world - the pain is too much for me to bare - I won't do it - but because of his great love for us - he endured the worst - but he overcame that terrible, horrible, horrific pain - then he rose from the grave - What awesome power - How amazing and miraculous is that?. Jesus is so amazing awesome and forgiving - his response to this awful horrible pain that was afflicted onto him by unkind,unthankful, uncaring people - was I forgive you - WHAT LOVE - THAT IS THE GREATEST LOVE OF ALL IN ACTION.

 Jesus wasn't rich - even after death - he was buried in a borrowed brave - but the grave couldn't hold him. JESUS WAS TOO STRONG. JESUS WAS SO POWERFUL - THAT THE GRAVE WAS NO MATCH FOR HIM - THE GRAVE COULDN'T HOLD HIM.

 We are so thankful that you are our mighty Lord and Saviour. You care about everything we do. You said - Do not worry...but instead trust you. You said " Come unto me all ye who are Heavy Laden and I will give you rest" Your rest will be a complete, rejuvenating rest. It will be a rest that can give peace beyond all measure.

 Help us to walk not by sight but by faith. Help us Lord to read the bible daily and spend time in prayer with you...so we get to know you better. While we are here on earth Lord - we want to spend times with our friends - and you are the greatest friend anyone could ever have - that is why we want to know you better - and spend time reading your word and spending quiet time in prayer with you - because you are our own very best friend and we love spending time with you. You are our refuge, our strength, our comforter, our rock and our salvation.

 Please Lord may people see you in us by our actions, our kind, caring deeds - reaching out to them - sharing the good news to them - helping them, encouraging them - and guiding them Lord to the brightest light and the greatest treasure - and that brightest light and greatest treasure is you Lord. Amen



Mathew 6:26

Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your

heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

 I LOVE LISTENING TO HOPE SABBATH SCHOOL - IT'S POSITIVE AND VERY UPLIFTING - CHECK IT OUT IF YOU LIKE - IT'S GREAT (Just google hope sabbath school) - I have it on Podcast and I just listened to the sabbath school class talking about stress - it was so awesome, inspiring and uplifting - wow! I'm impressed:-) 

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