Trust God

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Hello Friend - I hope you have been having a good week. We are so lucky to have

such a wonderful heavenly father who loves us just the way we are.

We are all different and we each travel a variety of journeys on this earth - but we

can all travel that journey in the comfort of our Lords peace.

Sometimes it's easy to get to get side tracked and lose our focus on what is important in life.

What is important to you friend?

My priority of importance is to have my Lord as my number one friend and saviour. That gives me

the assurance - that - it doesn't matter what happens in my life - my eternal future is assured to be a happy one. I climb emotional mountains and travel through hard times like alot of us do - but it

doesn't faze me - because I know that God is in control....and he loves me so much that he gave

up his only begotten son - so that I may live forever. He did it for you too friend. He loves you

with a love everlasting. You are like a treasure to him. You are more valuable than gold - you are

so important in fact - that Jesus outstretched his arms and died for you - without hesitation -

without drawing back - without - saying - no - you're not worth it. When Jesus was here on earth -

he displayed love, compassion, kindness and sympathy over and over and over again. He spent

alot of time healing - and HE NEVER TURNED ANYONE AWAY. That's because Jesus is the best,

he is powerful, loving, kind and awesome. He is preparing a place in heaven for you and for me - Friend won't you invite Jesus into your life right now - and love him - because he first loved you....

because there is no human who can love you like he can.

Won't you join me in doing whatever you feel that you can do to reach the lost - the down and out - and the needy. Don't you want to be on the best team there ever was and is? I KNOW I DO - I CHOOSE TO BE ON THE LORDS TEAM. LET'S WORK TOGETHER WITH THE LORD - TO SHARE THE GOOD NEWS OF THE GOSPEL.

Let's Pray.

Dear Loving Lord,

We come to you today and say thank you for loving us before we even loved you. We are thankful

that you never ever gave up on us - even when some of us gave up on you - you never gave up on us.

You kept wooing us, loving us, encouraging us to come back to you - our master, our rock,

our salvation, our friend who loves us unconditionally. We have been selfish and distrusting of

you at times Lord - when we have been looking at circumstances with our human eyes - instead of

looking at the positive possibilities - of positive results by looking at things through your eyes. We

are sorry Lord. We ask for you to take our selfishness and unbelief out of our hearts - and show us which direction you want us to take to share the great positive news of the gospel to those around us - so that they may have the wonderful opportunity of knowing and accepting you as their saviour and friend. We don't want to be selfish and keep the good news of how great you are to ourselves.

We pray for you to put a burning desire into our hearts to reach out to others and to encourage and help them along their way in this journey of life. So many hearts are broken Lord - so many people are sick,

lost, lonely, abandoned, distressed, going through hard, tough times - and are in need of encouragement, help, prayers, words of encouragement and someone to direct them to an all powerful, awesome, inspiring, encouraging help. That help is you Lord. They need a powerful. loving, caring friend who will never leave them - They need you Lord - the one who alone can read and understand hearts, brokenness, distress and stresses. The one who can understand both the joy and

sadness of anothers heart. You know the personal struggles, heartbreaks, physical illnesses, financial

problems etc that each one of us is going through. You understand our worries, anxieties, loneliness and heartbreaks. You have the power to change circumstances - but we have to have

faith in your ability to act in our lives. Help us to read the bible daily - for faith comes from hearing and hearing comes from the word of God. Remind us to listen to uplifting christian music, get out amongst nature - for you designed that nature for us - for us to relax and enjoy. Help us to focus on your love and your strength and your power - not on our own weaknesses. You are so worthy of our complete trust - and even though Lord - it is hard to see things turning out positively at times - help us to never give up - but

keep on believing. Keep reminding us not to look through our human eyes when we have problems/trials/challenges but instead to look at circumstances through your powerful positive eyes - the eyes of faith - walk with us this week Lord - as we continue on in our earthy journey - helping us to take every opportunity to tell those around us of your wonderful love. kindness, compassion and forgiveness. There are so many people out there Lord - who are looking for love - true unconditional love - a love that will never reject them - a love that will stick around no matter what. They are looking for a wonderful caring loving forgiving saviour - Let us unite with you to say to others - I know of a great love - A love that will never let you down - He is Lord, saviour and king of my life. I know the Lord - he is a personal friend of mine. Let me introduce you to him. He will love you like no other - and I guarantee he will never ever let you down. God you didn't say things would be easy - but you

did say you would walk through whatever trial we are facing with us - and you will give us the strength to endure whatever it is that we need to endure - and you have guaranteed us - if we accept you into our lives and follow you - you will give us a bright and glorious future - an eternal happy positive future - where there will be no more sorrow no more crying and no more pain - a future where death will never be the enemy again. Comfort us through our tears - Lord - and hold our hand.

You do understand when our heart breaks - and you do give us peace amidst pain. Unite us Lord with you, comfort us by the power of your holy spirit and let us show cheerfulness

hope and joy - so that others may know - that knowing you and accepting you brings happiness hope

joy and peace - amidst whatever challenges of life they are facing. Amen

Psalm 62:8

Trust in him at all times; pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah

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