Keep Leaning on the Lord

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Friend - We all go through good and bad times. We have highs and lows. It is God who walks beside us as we travel through these challenging/tough/at times life changing events. He loves us and dwells in our hearts and encourages us and inspires us to keep going - keep believing and keep trusting in him. Keep listening to or reading your bible - it will help strengthen your faith. Never ever give up on trusting the Lord - he will always be your rock, your comforter, your dependable friend and he does and always will love you.

He doesn't look down upon you - and cristicise you and think what a disappointment you are - Instead

he says - My child - my precious child - Come unto me - I understand your pain, your heart break, your sorrow, your tears, your disappointments, your worries, your stresses. I know what it is like to go through great pain - I know what it is like to be betrayed. I know what it is like to lose a loved one  My friend Lazaras died - and I wept. Lazarus overcame the grave. I have a plan - so that you can overcome the grave too and be united with me and your loved ones. I know how hard life can be. I know how tough it gets - But please keep holding on - keep trusting me - keep believing in me - keep reading about me. Keep listening to positive, inspiring, uplifting songs about me. Keep sharing my love with others - because I tell you - my love for you  knows no bounds. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you.

I have understanding, compassion, kindness, forgiveness and love to offer you. Hold my hand - and never let go. I specialise in healing broken hearts - loving my children and being there for you - I understand the emotions involved in the shedding of tears - in broken hearts - in loneliness - in times of death - but even the victory of death will be overcome when you walk the streets of heaven and of gold. Keep trusting me - walk by faith and not by sight.

I understand what it is like to have a broken heart. I understand disappointment. I have longed for all people to understand my love for them - and it breaks my heart - when the people that I love reject me - and instead choose to live a selfish, self centred life - a life that isn't healthy for them - a life where they spend not helping or caring for others - but instead rely on their own efforts to get them through this world - their own efforts aren't enough - they need me -  and they really do live a superficial and shallow existence if they don't have me in their lives. Don't they know that I would anything for them?

Don't they know that I already have?  Don't they know that my way is the better way? If only they knew. The answer doesn't lie in gambling, the answer doesn't lie in the bottle - and the answer doesn't lie in smoking away their stresses. Their life would be so enriched - if they only learnt to trust me. I am the answer

Friend - when Jesus walked this earth - he wasn't rich in material possessions, he didn't own a home,

he didn't drive a car, he didn't know where he was going to sleep each night. He was criticised

and ridiculed and beaten and crucified on the cross by cowards and a murderous mob  - but he didn't

pull back - he came here with a purpose - to save those who were lost - He came here for you and for me friend. He loves us like no other could love us - he understands your hopes, your desires, your

anxieties, your stresses, your longings and he says - lean on me - I will help you - I will love you - I

care for you - I will prepare a place in heaven for you - and then I will come again to take you to

the mansion in heaven that I have preapred for you. Isn't he a loving, caring, kind, forgiving, compassionate friend? Don't waste another minute friend - deciding will I or won't I accept Jesus into

my life - If you want eternal life - just accept Jesus Christ into your life - if you want a better life down here on earth - accept Jesus into your life - right here - right now.

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