Jesus Loves You

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Friend - Jesus loves you - so much in fact - that he laid down his life for you - so

that you could live forever


Life can be so fragile - People die everyday in unexpected circumstances - eg, The

drunk driver kills his best mate - a heart attack, a stroke, cancer, drug overdose, etc.

Friend - as life is so fragile - don't you want to know that you are assured of eternal

life no matter what happens - If you want a guarantee of comfort from a wonderful

saviour - and a guarantee of a life hereafter - all you have to do is accept Jesus

into your life - and let him lead. Jesus is reliable and trustworthy, all powerful,

all knowing, all caring.

Friend – if you are reading this prayer – won’t You accept Jesus into your

life right now - don’t waste another minute – Accept Jesus right now – and

you will be glad you did.

A Saviour – a caring wonderful Saviour will help, comfort, uphold and inspire you.

Let's pray.

Dear Lord - I pray for the person/persons reading this prayer - I pray that you will impress

upon them of their need for a saviour. Please help them to know that you love them

just as they are. Help them to know they don’t have the power to change themselves

 before they come to you – but if they choose to come to know you – you will give them the

power to change their lives. May they know that if they accept you then their lives will be enriched

and they will have an inner peace that nothing else can give.

It doesn’t matter what someone’s past is – What matters - is the present and the future.

Anyone can accept you right here – right now – And then they can have the assurance of eternal life.

A u turn is possible for anyone. Everyone has the power

to do it..

Paul did a u turn on the road to Damascus – and then he went on to help many many people

find the love of Jesus. God forgives everyone. Everyone is special in Gods' sight. Help

us never to misrepresent you Lord by criticising and judging other people – but instead help

us to guide, uplift and  Inspire people. Let us be always thinking – What can we be doing to help someone else.

Take the selfishness out of our hearts Lord and replace it with kindness, caring, Love and a desire to help others.

You are an awesome, powerful God Lord and we praise Your holy name. You are the greatest brightest light – and you are our Saviour and coming King.

Thank you Lord for your great Love. Thank you for the Gift of today. We will never live this day

again Lord so help us to spend the day wisely – helping and caring for others.

Thank you Lord. Amen

Romans 5:8

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, christ died for us.

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