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Hello Friend -

Who can you be kind to today? We all wear our public faces I believe - but deep down - alot of

people are heart broken, emotionally stressed, worried, exhausted and they could do with

someone being kind and encouraging to them. As representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ -

we should be showing kindness and care to those we come in contact with on a daily basis.

No-one knows what someone else goes through - only the Lord knows the hearts/struggles/anxieties/stresses/dreams/goals etc of each human being - that is one reason we are not to judge another human being - we can't judge anothers heart/motives etc. What someone else is

doing is none of our business - Our business is to represent the Lord in such a wonderful, loving,

caring way - so that others will want to be drawn to him.

Kindness to others should be a number one priority - the love of Jesus in our hearts should motivate us to be kind to others.

What is kindness?

Kindness is - a smile, a nod, a phone call, an errand done lovingly, a prayer said

for some-one -  etc. Who can you be kind to today?

Let's pray -

Dear Heavenly Father - everyone undertands the language of kindness and love.

Lord help others to see you through us - by our kind deeds, love and support.

It doesn't matter if they are rich or poor - or going through good times or bad -

Use us as instruments and help us to shine a light for them - directing them

to the brightest light... and that light is you Lord. It doesn't matter what

money we do or don't have in the bank. It doesn't matter if we are renting

a house or buying a house...or even if we are homeless. We are all special to


It is hard to understand - the great depth of love that you have for us. You loved

us and still do love us sooo very much - with all our imperfections. We are so

thankful for your great mercy Lord. I know I didn't have a happy childhood - Times

were so tough - so many times. But you didn't look down on me - and say look at her - she isn't good enough - Instead you said - Isn't she special. You loved me sooooo much - so much in fact that you gave up your life - so that I or whoever chooses to accept you  could have the oportunity to live forever - wow - that is amazing. What an awesome, powerful, loving God

you are.  What a fantastic gift. You are indescribeable. Lord your amazing care and love

for the down and out - the homeless, the unemployed, the terminally ill, the rich and the poor -

is inspiring. It's awesome.

As we go about our daily affairs Lord - help us to see people through your eyes - and if you laid down your own life - because that is how special each person is to you - then help us to give our all in helping people - by showing them kindness, love, care and support.

Thank you Lord. Amen

Ephesians 4:32

And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake

hath forgiven you.

When you be kind - and you show love and concern -  and you also forgive others - you are really doing both others -

and yourself a favour.

One of the best sermons I have ever heard on forgiveness is by Joyce Meyer - if you are interested -

check it out on utube -

It is Do yourself a Favour - Forgive (part 1 and part 2 by Joyce Meyer ) - Friend if you are having trouble forgiving someone - then I encourage you to go to utube and listen to Joyce Meyer - these two sermons/talks really moved me - I hope they inspire and move you too - if you decide to check them out.

I love the Lord with all of my heart - and I hope and pray that my words of hope and encouragment will make you want to know the Lord with all of your heart. The Lord wants the best for you both here -

right now - and also in eternity. How awesome is that? You cannot get a more loving caring wonderful

powerful awesome inspiring friend than the Lord Jesus Christ. He will never abandon you. He always has and always will love you. Don't sit on the fence any longer. What are you waiting for? Accept Jesus now - You will be glad you did.

God Bless:-)

Let me also encourage you to listen to great inspiring christian music on a daily basis - One of my current

favourite songs is Pray for Me I'll Pray for you by Michael W Smith. I think songs can be powerful positive sermons sung beautifully to lift the souls of all people. Check out what christian songs you like - and then - start listening - you'll be glad you did:-) 

God loves you sooo much:-) Won't you love him to?

God Bless:-)

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