Overcoming Impossibilities

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With God - there is peace, happiness, joy and contentment. There is no such thing

as an impossible task if the Lord is on your side - and lives within your heart.

Let's pray -

Dear Heavenly Father - We come to you today with thankful hearts. We are thankful

for our family members, our friends, the houses/places we live in, our cars,

the nutritious food we can put into our mouths, encouraging supportive strangers

that help us along the way - and the many other blessings that you shower upon

us daily - that we sometimes take for granted.

We are surrounded by neighbours - some who are friendly and supportive,

friendly shopping staff, informative helpful people at our chemists, etc. We are

so thankful for so many things.

We are grateful that we have jobs - and we are also grateful that we have enough

health - so that we can perform these jobs. 

On life's journey Lord we all as individuals come across so many obstacles.

We all have our good and bad times - We are dolng our very best...but everday

challenges flow our way. We are happy Lord that you are walking with us - while

we travel through the tough times.

Help us Lord to meditate on your word and spend time  in prayer with you so we

may draw closer to you..and remain strong in your strength.

Help us Lord to forgive, encourage and uplift each other - using you as our example.

Let's focus not on what's impossible for the day - but let's focus on - what's possible

- and with you all things are possible...I don't believe that there is any dream too big -

that you and another human being can't accomplish together - because your mighty

power - coupled with faith to believe equals amazing things.

Please protect love and lead us to wherever you want us to go for this day.

Help us to step out of our comfort zones - Help us to think big, dream big, visualise

and reach out to those in most need. Help us to show the down and out that there

is a better way. That better way starts one step at a time...trusting you, learning of

you - spending time in prayer with you - and listening to good uplifting Christian music.

Lord help us to walk by faith and not by sight. Thank you so very much for every

thing that you've done for us, Help us to be so overflowed with joy and happiness

for the the kind blessings that you have given to us on a daily basis - that our happiness

 and joy will automatically overflow out to others - to show them kindness, care and

support - so they may experience your great love also. Amen.

Luke 1:37

For with God nothing shall be impossible.

Friend - God loves you sooo much - won't you love him too. I have made the Lord first in my life -

and I look forward to spending eternity in his presence - An eternity in the presence of love - where

the currency that we deal in will be love - How awesome is that? Truly amazing. Anyone can have this

wonderful future - All you have to do is to invite the Lord into your life - and follow him - I guarantee it

will be the best decision you have ever made. Live for Jesus - and you will inspire those around you with hope - hope for a brighter future - and best yet - you will live in happiness joy and peace knowing your glorious bright and happy eternal future is assured.

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