Always Fight Back

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I seen as a group of guys and girls came running down the street with red and black bandannas wrapped around they mouth and nose.

"Aye look we found that girl that boss was looking for" a girl said looking and pointing at me.

I dropped my umbrella and started to run. I ran past a few alleys trying to get away but they was right on my tail. I turned down an alley and climb fence.

"Come on y'all we got to get her" a guy yelled climbing the fence too.

I ran past a few houses trying to get away but they was still coming for me. My lungs were hurting but I kept running. My clothes were all wet.

I end up coming to a park and it was full of gang members too.

"Get her" a guy yelled then they all started running after me.

I felt like I was running forever. I ran up some stairs to this construction site. I ran through a little tune that took me out the construction site and back to the streets.

I turned down another alley only to see I was trap.

"Hold up y'all let me see" a guy said pushing through the group of people.

He came up to me and looked me dead in my eyes. He was very scary looking which made my stomach turn.

"Your pretty fast for a girl with them curves" he said with a smirk coming into my face.

"Back up off me" I hissed at him.

"She will be very useful" he said then backed up.

He walked away and they other people came at me. They was kicking and hitting me. I was fighting back but it wasn't really working since it was like 1 against 20. One guy hit me in my stomach making me hit the wall hitting my head.

The taste of blood rushed into my mouth. My eye sight went blurry and everything was going black.

"Welcome to the gang" a guy said throwing a cloth or something at me and they all left while I pasted out.


I woke up in pain. I couldn't move at all. Blood was dripping on the ground. I looked to see I had a red and black bandanna on my thigh. I tried to pull myself up I screamed in pain and Stop moving for a minute.

After a few minutes I tried again and succeed.

I walked slowly out the alley it looked like it was around 4 in the morning. I limped to the curd of the road.

I looked around to see no one. I took a little break wiping the blood of my lips with my sleeve and I limped all the way to the house.

I opened the door slowly and closed it back trying not to make no noise. I walked up the stairs slowly. When I got to my room I seen Caleb in my bed sleeping.

I limped into my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I had a busted lip, bloody nose, and bruises on my face. I couldn't stand looking in the mirror.

"Damn what the hell happened to you" Caleb said walking in the bathroom.

"I got jumped into a gang" I said spitting out blood.

"What gang" he said looking at me.

I shrugged my shoulder and held up the bandanna.

"Oh shit your in IDG" he said looking at me.

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